UPDATED: Trump Renounces the GOP – Will Give Away Fortune

April 01, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

UPDATED: This explosive story is breaking on every network:  About 30 minutes ago, Donald Trump renounced his affiliation with the Republican Party, saying he’s going to switch to the Democratic and form a political alliance with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.  He also announced that he’s introducing legislation on Monday to expand Medicare to everyone in the US, including undocumented immigrants.  He will also donate his entire fortune, including real estate interests, to Medicaid.  In making this announcement, Trump said:

“When I awoke this morning I was hit with the revelation that I’ve been spending far too much time on Twitter and have not been doing my job since being inaugurated.  From now on, I will work 24/7 to get healthcare for all, to protect the climate, and to stop Russians from interfering with our elections and government.  To prove my commitment, I’m giving all of my worldly goods to Medicaid to help assure its solvency.  Further, I’m requiring all of my billionaire cabinet members to also give their fortunes to Medicaid.  Failure to do so will disqualify them from membership in the cabinet.”

This shocking story is still developing today, April 1, 2017.

UPDATE: In a follow up announcement, Trump revealed that Bill and Hillary Clinton have agreed to distribute all of Trump’s fortune through the Clinton Foundation.

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