Breaking: Oxford University Scientist is 80% Sure They Have the Vaccine

April 11, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

Sarah Gilbert, professor of vaccinology at Oxford University, told the Times of London today that she’s 80% confident they have the vaccine and that human trials begin in two weeks.  The vaccine could be ready for distribution as early as September.  Oxford is in discussions with the UK government to begin production of the vaccine even before human trials are complete.  Here’s hoping…

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0 Comments to “Breaking: Oxford University Scientist is 80% Sure They Have the Vaccine”

  1. Hopefully, this will be the case. But how will it get spun on Fox to make Trump look good? Maybe that Trump tried to buy Oxford University? Or that Trump almost exclusively wears Oxfords so that is enough of a connection for the rubes to believe he has something to do with it.

  2. Ummm…see the last line in the article. From my several decades in biotech/pharma development and manufacturing……the key word is “perfect”…..

    I would very much love a safe and effective vaccine as soon as possible (for humanitarian and personal reasons) but raising expectations like this is irresponsible.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Mark, incredibly the ego of Covidiot* 45 could be the best insurance that all Americans will receive the vaccine, but only after the requisite vials have been ‘set aside’ for Donnie* and Jughead to profit, his* best people have gotten theirs, and …. oh soap … we’re already slipping down the food chain and a vaccine has yet to be produced. Then as Mel stated, there’s a big *if* as to a vaccine being available anytime soon. Odd catch there, too. “Perfect” was on odd choice of words for a sciency person.

    Back to double containment. Containing the novel coronavirus and Orange Foolius*. Worst nightmare for the US will be if Donnie* goes unrestrained and eliminates all progress to date so that he* can have his* ‘economy.’

  4. charles phillips says:

    I don’t believe a damned word of that mess! Times of London is just another journalistic SINKHOLE owned by Jeff Brazos and can’t be trusted!

    And “Sarah Gilbert?” Most people won’t know this, but that’s code for “phoney balony.” Hello, the actress from Roseanne created a “vacine” at “Oxford,” in english??? How stupid do you dmeoncrats think we are, huh?

    Yes, snark.

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    A study at UCLA has recently given a vaccine to volunteers, they have to be monitored for three months and then get a second dose and again monitored. I don’t anticipate a real vaccine available in mass quantities any time soon!

  6. Quaker Granny says:

    PLEASE, for the health and safety of all you love, take this announcement with the bucketful of salt it deserves. “A” vaccine is not the same as a SAFE and EFFECTIVE vaccine — and no, in a matter this important, something is not better than nothing.

    For anyone who’d like to dig into the facts, here’s an excellent video discussion between two medical doctors, one of them a well-known researcher in the area of vaccine development.

  7. thatotherjean says:

    Hoping, yes. But don’t be expecting it to work. What works well in animal testing all too frequently fails in humans. It may not work; it may work but have horrendous side effects, and be unusable. But a lot of possibilities for a vaccine are being tested, and will continue until something both effective and reasonably safe is discovered. Just don’t count on one any time soon. The Times of London is being irresponsible.

  8. No worries even if proved it wont be in ‘merica for a year as we have strict rules on using new medicines. And it may have bad side effects.

  9. This sounds more like the Zika spread where they discovered it took a year until virus left ones system.

    “On Friday, Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Jeong Eun-kyeong said, per Reuters, that the coronavirus may have “reactivated,” not re-infected, in the 91 former COVID-19 patients had tested positive again after they were discharged from isolation.”

    This sounds more like the Zika spread where they discovered it took a year until virus left ones system.

    “On Friday, Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Jeong Eun-kyeong said, per Reuters, that the coronavirus may have “reactivated,” not re-infected, in the 91 former COVID-19 patients had tested positive again after they were discharged from isolation.”

  10. Buttermilk Sky says:

    It’s almost time for you-know-who’s daily egofest. Want to bet me a big New York pretzel he announces that “there’s a vaccine, everybody go back to work”?

    I don’t know about Sarah Gilbert, but Mayim Bialik (“The Big Bang Theory”) has a Ph.D. in neuroscience. Actors can be smart.

  11. @Buttermilk, before a snark becomes a pass-on story, reread #4 Charles comment. 🙂

  12. Off subject but
    With the Post Office staring at a September shutdown, as engineered by thuglican, the entire vote by mail isssue may be moot.
    Alternative that may be offered is the use of UPS, FedEx etc where even local deliveries are upwards to $5 one way. That would certainly help voter suppression.
    But if one were to apply consistent logic the shuttering of a Constitionally mandated part of the government with out any of that silly effort of Constitional amendments means that next D majority can just erase the 2nd amendment and the corporate citizenship delusion foisted upon the country by a footnote penned by a corporate lawyer on an decision that never addressed the issue.

  13. Old Fart says:

    I feel it important to point something out: This vaccine (or the one I’ve heard was *already in development* before Covid-19 arose) is a generic coronavirus vaccine. The schedule for a Covid-19 vaccine continues apace…

  14. Sandridge says:

    The BBC has been virtually silent on this particular COVID19 Oxford vaccine story, so like the other skeptics here, I’m real suspicious of it.
    When Britain’s chief news source is cautious, that’s significant. Although, IMO, the BBC in recent [Conservative, hinthint] years has appeared to be much less neutral and objective, and seems to often lean and pander to the Tories.

    If it pans out, great, but any such effective and safe vaccine has a lot of hurdles to pass before reaching mass distribution. Even when, in this case, much of the process and protocols may be ‘streamlined’ and shortened in the urgency of it all.

  15. To all the doubters here. Sarah Gilbert is a real person and is the lead vaccine researcher at Oxford. Here is her quoted in the Oxford announcement.

    “Professor Gilbert and team have previously developed a vaccine for another human coronavirus disease, which is Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), and this has shown promise in early clinical trials.

    Professor Gilbert, lead researcher of the vaccine development programme, said, ‘Since the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014, my research team has been working on new approaches to vaccine development to protect the population of the world against an outbreak of infectious disease or a pandemic. We are now working with a much larger team to bring these plans to fruition.’”

  16. I would ask that people read the article in today,s UK Guardian online, it gives the most chilling account of what Trump has done to the US.

  17. charles phillips says:

    Oh, PROFESSOR Sarah Gilbert, well, THAT’S a different story! EVERYONE knows she’s the cat’s meow for vaccines, OF COURSE this story must be true!

    Watch Fat Donny work to destroy HER good reputation, as well as Dr. Fauci’s.

  18. maryelle says:

    The University of Pittsburgh is also developing a vaccine as well as an antibody test. Given their success with the polio vaccine, my money’s on Pitt.

  19. If it is that easy where is the vaccine for the common cold?
    I understand that the common cold is a “Coronavirus” just not this one. Hence extra name and number.

  20. It’s been ten years since MERS appeared on the scene, and they’re just now TESTING a vaccine? The common cold is caused by a bunch of different viruses (not all at once, thank goodness) including four different varieties of coronavirus. No ciold vaccines are in sight…

    Now there are over 100 groups working on vaccines for SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, but the odds are not good. Keeping fingers crossed, although surviving the 3 phases of testing ( 2.effective 3.better than the alternatives) is a tough gauntlet to traverse.
