Breaking News To Break America

May 26, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just hit my phone …

Screen Shot 2016-05-26 at 10.00.45 AM

Here ya go.



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0 Comments to “Breaking News To Break America”

  1. Charly Hoarse says:

    Well, Pastor Hagee warned us:

  2. I only live 20 miles south of the Canadian border……

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Where are daChipster and Primo? I need numbers. Sweet reassuring numbers that even Francis the Talking Mule could defeat this dufus.

  4. We are going to be in Finland and Sweden in June. I will report back on a) the impressions of our international colleagues on the snacilbupeR candidate, and b) their willingness to host refugees in the event of an election disaster in November.
    Points in favor: already social democracies with great education systems. Long summer days.
    Points against: Very dark and cold in the winter (even more than most parts of Canada.) My Swedish is barely ok for simple conversations, and I hear Finnish is way harder to learn.
    Sadly, I think their capacity for refugees is already stretched pretty thin by the aftermath of the Bush Wars.

  5. Zyxomma says:

    I just heard this on the noon news.

    I urge all sane US citizens of 18 years and older to VOTE.

  6. maryelle says:

    I have to trust that there are more sane Americans than not. I am basing this trust on the turnout for President Obama in both his elections. He overcame almost insurmountable racism and Hillary faces a mountain of misogyny. Let’s get this done.

  7. Laurel

    We will be in Netherlands, Austria, Germany and Hungary about the same time. I will follow up your post.

  8. Still think the Cleveland convention is going to be mess!!!

  9. Okay you guys, something to read (Momma do not go there) from the Rude Pundit directly related to this . If anyone is put off by my sending you there, you gotta know this guy is right out there with some colorful profanity and let me know to stop if that is appropriate. I don’t want to offend anyone’s sensibilities.

  10. charles r. phillips says:

    There hasn’t been any real doubt for two months now, he was going to be the nominee. Barring a criminal indictment, he’s the candidate. Rest assured, Billery has his ass on a plate, ready to carve.

  11. Gramiam says:

    Juanita, I envy you, flinging truth about so gleefully. Your recent columns just write themselves, don’t they?

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    charles r. phillips, Senator Warren is busily tenderizing the Donnie bird. Hilz should be able to take a butter knife to his carcass.

    In the interest of honesty, I’m a Bernie supporter. But, I do think Hilz will be a better President than she is a candidate. At least that is what I hope.

  13. Rastybob says:

    Don’t take him lightly. We are looking at the US voter. And you have 30 years of the Grand Old Reverts smearing Hill. And Drumpf is the best con man any of us have ever seen. We better be ready for one hell of a fight.

  14. Here is a video of part of Sen. Warren’s evisceration of Drumpf:

    She calls him very fitting names, not John Barron or any other names Drumpf lies about.

  15. AKLynne says:

    Diane, we’ll be right behind you.

  16. Linda Phipps says:

    Trump wants a statue in Washington DC (I am just hearing this on the morning news) … possibly next to Jeff Davis. The ONLY thing I cat imagine is it covered with about a foot of pigeon shit.

  17. Linda Phipps says:

    “Can” imagine. Oooops

  18. maryelle says:

    Now watch all the RKlan get in line. They want the money, the power and the security of being a “good Republican”. So much for the outreach to women and minorities. The real outreach is to the 1%. Ain’t that right, Sheldon?

  19. Elizabeth Moon says:

    For anyone thinking of running away should Trump win (Avert) you’re just making it easier for him and harder for everyone who opposed him.
