Breaking News! Breaking News! Everybody Scamper Around In All Directions Shouting, “The Russians Are Coming!”
No, wait. Wait. Stop. Wait.
They’ve already been here and have set up housekeeping somewhere in Ohio.
The Senate Intelligence Committee has released its long-awaited bipartisan report on election security and Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
It’s 67 pages long and is heavily redacted. Click here to see it.
For your viewing pleasure, here is one of my personal favorite redactions.
What is ? Some kind of code? “See, we didn’t redact the entire paragraph.” No, you didn’t. You left a peep hole for crazy people.
I haven’t read but about 15 pages so far and it gave me a headache. But best I can figure, when they say they saw no evidence that any votes were changed or that any machines were manipulated, they are pretty much just guessing.
I’m probably gonna read the rest of it.