Breaking News

March 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just got this from CNN –

Russian President Vladimir Putin called President Barack Obama on Friday to discuss the situation in Ukraine, the White House announced. Obama talked about having the two countries’ top diplomats continue to engage in talks and urged Putin to “avoid further provocations, including the buildup of forces on its border with Ukraine.”

I think that translates to English as, “Don’t drone me, Bro.”

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0 Comments to “Breaking News”

  1. JJ! You have been reading my mind. I was wondering what the Russian would think of drone strikes if they set foot in Eastern Ukraine.

    There was a well informed historian on a recent NPR Fresh Air episode (I know, I know. BigHair can’t spell N-P-R) who opined that Putin was in trouble at home and was looking for a distraction. Can you say “Falklands”?

  2. “Don’t drone me bro,” is worthy of Faux news and about as incisive. Maybe, just maybe we have sanctions in reach which pick the oligarchs’ pockets. Putin has nukes. We don’t drone club members and Puty Poo knows it.

  3. Hmmm! So this is Putin’s version of Wag the Dog. Interesting. Verrrry interesting!

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    $$$$$ Our oligarchs and Russia’s oligarchs will not stand for the disruption of their Exxon Mobil-Rosneft oil dealings. Both President Obama and Putin have their marching orders: “put down your toys and get the gohmert out of the way of our drilling and spilling.” Not that I support the MIC, but those oil boys make the JCS look like choir boys in comparison. I love peace, I truly do. But when profits out nuke the nukes, we need to realize the for profit crowd is willing to kill the planet for imaginary money and profits.

    With you Marge Wood, it’s time to defend our water! That’s the real “line in the sand.”

  5. JJ, I think you’ve provided a perfect phrase for our new engagement tactic.

    There’s no need any longer to blow up an entire city and the neighboring countryside with Shock & Awe. One little missile and we’ve got AWWW SHHHH….TT!!!

    Or “Вот дерьмо!!!”

  6. maryelle says:

    If Putin decides to march into the rest of the Ukraine, there’s not much anybody can do to stop him unless they are willing to start World War III. Sanctions will hurt long term, but short term, he gets away with being the Big Bully.

  7. BarbinDC says:

    Well, now, here’s another take on the whole thing:

    Who sez our Prez isn’t playing three-dimensional chess? Or, maybe he’s just figured out ways to get things done other than at the point of a gun?

  8. BarbinDC says:

    Oh, and then there is this:

    I believe Vlado has discovered the limits of his powers. Unless, of course, he wants to nuke the world before he departs this planet. I’m not at all sure he would have the backing of his minions to do that.

  9. Marge Wood says:

    I’m FOR clean water, even if it means no more lawns, and AGAINST nuclear weapons, even if it means we gotta make friends out of our enemies. Ouch.

  10. Marge Wood says:

    When my new novel THE SECRET BUZZARD SOCIETY comes out pretty soon, be sure to read the section about THE COOKIE WARS.

  11. Obama has been criticized for referring to Russia as a regional power by people who think it will just make Putin more aggressive. Personally I think Putin will do whatever he wants regardless.

    What is possible is that Obama is sending a clear message to Europe that they need to take the lead on this and not count on the U.S. to pull their chestnuts out of the fire.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    Face it-if Obie was jesus reincarnate and could walk on water to prove it,wingnuts would find fault with his actions.

  13. Ralph Wiggam says:

    That’s really disappointing to the Republicans. They were counting on killing a few thousand people and awarding fat defense contracts to their donors.

    Peace is the problem, War is the solution. How Republican can they get?

  14. Aggieland liz says:

    @EPO: AND they wouldn’t recognize him, would enviously hate his guts, and would crucify him all over again. Fact!

    Nothing much has changed in 2000 years, if you ask me!

  15. e platypus onion says:

    I thinkl they’re trying to crucify him now,just to be safe. Hard to blame them. Obama looks nothing like a typical rich,white,clueless wingnut. Wingnuts fear the unfamilar.

  16. Marge Wood says:


  17. Marge Wood says:

    Back when I taught fifth grade Sunday school I told the kids that if Jesus came today the suits would expect him to arrive in a plane, carrying a brief case. He would, however, show up wearing overalls, driving an old truck with a toolbox and it would annoy the rich and powerful no end, I’m thinking about latest version: unless they needed something fixed in which case they might be more hospitable to him, til he started hanging out with the Wrong Crowd, you know, the ones who showed up at the Next to the Last Supper. No matter what he did, somebody got mad.

  18. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, Jesus has been crucified so many times, particularly for a man who may or may not have existed. His crucifixion in the biblical times is as horrific as the images are do not compare to what the fascist Xtians would do to him today. The Xtians would have thrilled to the execution of Osama bin Laden, except, oops the black guy got it done, while their white stooge spent trillions and came up bankrupt.

    I respect the Christians who find comfort in their religion and give comfort with their religion.

    While not a religious man, I believe in our Constitution and freedom of religion. But the theo-cons are really pushing the boundaries of separation of church and state. Holy Gohmerts! The key word is choice. Nowhere in the ACA am I required to get a vasectomy, anymore than a woman is required to have an abortion.

    While it galls all of us to pay for penis pumps and Viagra for Mitch McConnell, it galls me more that RW Xtians cannot accept sane medical choice and freedom. No man, no woman, and certainly no politician should stand between a woman and her doctor.

  19. @PKM: Well said.
