Boy, I Didn’t See That Coming.

September 02, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ole Bubba and I were watching MSNBC for a little while last night and on comes this Hispanic guy defending Donald Trump’s immigration plan.  Among many insane things he said was this little tidbit.

Marco Gutierrez, in an interview with host Joy Reid, described Latino culture as “imposing” and “dominant,” and suggested that without the GOP presidential nominee’s 10-point plan to overhaul the United States’ immigration policies, there might be “taco trucks on every corner.”

“I don’t even know what that means, and I’m almost too afraid to ask,” Reid responded.

Oh hell, I know what it means.  It means that this idiot thinks taco trucks on every corner is a bad thing.

Honey, I live in Texas.  If you can’t walk or bike ride to a taco truck, you move.

If Latino culture is imposing and dominant, we’d all be speaking Spanish and drinking tequila in Texas.  Oh wait …

Y’all, the expression on Joy Reid’s face was worth a million bucks.


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That expression was oh so appropriate for a woman who had just seen the insides of the bowels of hell.

I stole this graphic from my friend La Lisa Hernandez.  It spoke to my heart.




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