Boy Fight! Boy Fight!

August 29, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Personally, they can come up with all the stories they want to, but I think the Rick Perry / Mitt Romney fued is all about hair.

It ain’t about political consultants.  It’s about rugged good looks.  And Hair.  Capital H Hair.

Republican men take hair very seriously.  Just look at Newt or Paul Ryan or Eric Cantor.  These guys are as serous as a snakebite about hair spray.

There is not room on that stage for both their hair.  Those boys will scratch each others eyes out before they will relinquish the “rugged good looks” title.

I say that whichever one comes in 2nd gets the next contract to be the Brawny Paper Towels guy.

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