‘Bout the Same

February 15, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A poll released this morning shows that a majoring of Americans believe Trump should have been convicted.

Nearly three in five Americans believe President Donald Trump should have been convicted in the Senate impeachment trial, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos poll that fielded immediately after the trial concluded.

So, that’s right at 58% of Americans thinking he should be convicted, which pretty much mirrors the percentage of United States senators from both parties.

The dude is guilty and we all know it.


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0 Comments to “‘Bout the Same”

  1. I’m keeping my pantry stocked with popcorn. There’ll be more to watch when the criminal indictments and financial foreclosures start coming down.

  2. Florida and southern states ~ It begins…
    Publix: Where shopping is “an abusive, dysfunctional relationship”

    Headline: ‘The last straw’: the US families ending love affair with grocery chain after Capitol riot

    Edit: Families are boycotting Publix after a member of founding family donated $300,000 to the Donald Trump rally that preceded January’s deadly Capitol attack.

  3. charles r phillips says:

    I think the number is much higher, close to 80%, but the extra 22% that don’t show up in the polls are voting innocent for a variety of reasons;

    1. Not wanting to look ‘weak,’ or ‘stupid,’ or ‘disloyal.’
    2. Fear that the boogieman may come back and crush them like bugs.
    3. Fear of tRump’s henchmen and sycophants.

    Did I forget to mention not wanting to look stupid, weak, or disloyal? That’s pretty much most of them.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Being guilty of crimes has never stopped Trumpf or his cult. I, too, look forward to the legal calamity that I hope dominates the rest of his wretched life. l also hope the whining former “first lady” enjoys the bed she’ll be forced to lie in, and lie in.
    Hope the Trumpf crime family gets their due, too.
    Maybe March 4 can be the day when something significant is announced about the cases moving forward vs what the cultists think will be the second coming of their orange hero.

  5. Orangeman needs to be so thoroughly eviscerated by upcoming investigations that even if not incarcerated (which he richly deserves to be), he is completely ruined and left penniless. Same with his entire family of grifters. And every politician who supported him, even failing to convict due to a technicality caused by their GOP leader, needs to be voted out at the very least. If they still want federal employment, hire them to clean the Capitol toilets.

    Hey Steve up in Beaverton: I hope you’re doing OK. Getting lots of reports from Portland area friends about days without power, buried under snow and ice (though starting to melt), trashed trees. Coast is the usual rain and wind. I’ll take it.

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Hannah @5- agree with everything you said. And thanks for your concern. We were luckily north of the heaviest freezing rain and ice, and south of the heaviest snow. We did not experience the power outages affecting about 300,000 power customers (thankful for underground utilities) and they say it could be over a week to restore (and damage from down trees, etc.).
    I’m concerned about JJ’s part of the country which makes our situation look pretty minor. Glad I’m retired and not still working in San Antonio now!

  7. The Surly Professor says:

    At one point, the Senate vote to convict Trump was 13 to 6, safely over the 2/3 required. Then mysteriously a bunch of votes was “found” that reversed the verdict. Shouldn’t True the Vote and Project Veritas be looking into this obvious election fraud?

    JJ, since you have a special connection as a neighbor, maybe you can bring it up with Cathy Engelbrecht?

    [My mother once was in a public snit with a local politician in Ft. Worth, who also called her “that woman”. My mother’s response was “I’d rather be that woman, than what everyone knows you are: that lunkhead.” One of the few combacks she had which I can post on a reputable site like TWMDBS. ]

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Gee, wonder who would tamper with/intimidate jurors? Also heard in MSNBC that those that said they would testify as witnesses got cold feet Friday night before the Saturday decision not to have witnesses.

  9. This guy is going to be solidly busy for the rest of his days as he puts all his attorneys in alphabetical order and tries like all hell to lie his way out of jail. He will not have the same protections in state level courts that he had under the impeachment clause. He is so gonna mis the Fifth Amendment!
