Borderless By Big Fraud

August 15, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Besides Captain Ronny Jackson, TFG’s former physician while he was playing at being a president, Congressman Troy Nehls (TX CD-22) has written a couple of books.

Borderless By Design and The Big Fraud. Both Nehls and Jackson are ex-military, both are Texans with their own Texas congressional districts, and both Ronny and Troy even use the same publisher, Post Hill Press which specializes in “conservative political nonfiction works”.

But what sets the two apart is that while Ronny can report no income from his book deal, Troy can report negative income. His publisher has realized more profit from selling his book to Troy than Troy has received from his publisher. That’s what one may conclude from Nehls’s FEC filing.

Look here and scroll about a third of the way down to the line showing disbursement to Post Hill Press: for $5915.02 on February 1st. For “printing”.

For printing?

In one way to look at it, it would appear that Troy Nehls laid out some of his campaign cash to buy some copies of his own book. I assume he hands them out to loyal constituents because that’s what I would do with several hundred copies of my own book.

If it weren’t for the fact that his campaign donors foot the bill for his largesse, that would have made quite a dent in his pin money.

0 Comments to “Borderless By Big Fraud”

  1. heidi aka mom says:

    For joy , another reason to vehemently dislike my congress varmint. And our district got so very gerrymandered, we’ll never get rid of these guys.

  2. heidi aka mom says:

    For joy , another reason to vehemently dislike my congress varmint. And our district got so very gerrymandered, we’ll never get rid of these guys.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Is this the same Troy Nehls who wore a combat badge he didn’t earn and even his peers condemned him for? I of course won’t read his book but assume the “big fraud” in his title isn’t about that. Why so much actual fraud in the gop?
    He has some commonality with Dr Ronnie in that they both tarnished their military service rank and credentials. I’m just guessing they would or have badmouthed Tim Waltz 24 years of service.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Walz- spell check damn it

  5. Post Hill Press is a vanity press that will print anything if you pay up front. After that you have to sell it, if you can.

  6. The Surly Professor says:

    Years ago I hit upon a better wording to replace “wrote a book”. Instead I’d say he “emitted a book-like object”. Or in the case of
    Trump et al, “excreted a book-like object”.

    For fun times, remember when Jim Wright was hounded out of Congress for having copies of his autobiography in his Speaker of the House office? And Newt Gingrich managed to force his retirement because (horror!) Wright would let people buy copies? Thank goodness that such rampant corruption was driven out of D.C. by the Republicans.

    For some good-ish news, next week the students are returning to college here, and they are really fired up this year. Enough so that I’m having to coordinate meeting rooms for them already.
