Bookmark Time! Everybody In The Pool!

June 03, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Did you know that John McCain’s opposition research on Mitt Romney is online?

Neither did I.

Thankfully, Elise did.  It’s 200 pages with some very interesting stuff in there.

Thanks to Elise for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Bookmark Time! Everybody In The Pool!”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    Man. That is something. Go get your coffee and put your feet up.

  2. ks sunflower says:


    Of course, it needs updating, but still.

    First off, it needs to add his huge CA residence that is currently being finished – with its elevators for cars. Poor baby, you cannot expect Mitt to put up with conventional garages – oh, with, I forget. He has a driver or probably a butler to valet the car(s) for them. That pricey NH home was just too small for them per Mitt.

    I wonder if dropping out of Stanford after his freshman year to conveniently go on his missionary work in Paris was similar to Cheney flunking out of Yale twice. Both then went to less-demanding universities to get their initial degrees (though Cheney got his both his degrees from a state university in WY).

    Gosh, and that was only on page one of 200 pages!!

    This is going to be fun, fun, fun. and also kind of depressing. To think that such a liar, out-of-touch with the life of the average American, grandiose poser could be President. Good freaking grief.

  3. ks sunflower says:

    Okay, sorry to be a comments hog, but I join Elise, Juanita, and Marge in saying this read is going to worth every moment.

    Just to whet your appetite – at the end, there are quotes captured on tape of Romney saying the following (amongst other juicy things):

    “I’m wary of anyone who parlays background, money, and hair to political success.” [Talk about being non self-aware.]

    “I thought becoming rich and famous would make me happy. Boy was I right.” [This may be honest, but it sure seems to speak on the issues him being self-absorbed and unable to identify with the rest of us.]

    Those are on the last page. So from beginning to end (and I bet the middle parts have some gems as well), this is truly worth reading.

  4. Gramiam says:

    I love it when these wingnuts expose themselves as hypocrites out of their own mouths!

  5. ks sunflower says:

    Gramiam, then do read those quotes, if nothing else.

    I just found one that Juanita Jean may not like because, it seems, Mitt shares her opinion of AZ. It isn’t a direct quote, just a summary of a story Mitt told:

    “Retells story that, just like hell, Arizona would be paradise with more water and good people.” (p. 199 of the opposition research file.)

    Seems to me that AZ is in no imminent danger of becoming paradise on both counts.

  6. How sure are we that this is legit? Sorry just woke up-work nights, I tend to be cranky in the “morning”. Can some one who is better with computers tell when and by who this was uploaded.

    I really hate to be a wet blanket, but could this be satire or a false flag op?

    Putting the coffee pot on, looking for her glasses ans will check out Snopes-just in case?

  7. Might want to go beyond bookmarking. That whole thing just might disappear anytime. Save the page on your computer so if it does get disappeared on line – it can still be passed along. It will probably go viral but then again…

  8. I’m sending the URL to some Democrat friends … poor [coff, hack, gag] Willard Mitt has flip-flopped so much he should be bruised all over! I about choked when I heard him say Prez. Obama should get an “F” … it just boggles the mind when it comes to these idjets!!

  9. You can download the whole thing if you want. Scribd has been around for about six years. You can join, download for a fee, or download in exchange for uploading some information of your own. I have used it in the past for some other interesting browsing.

  10. Wow! Thanks to Elise and Juanita Jean for letting us know about this. I’ve read some, bookmarked it and look forward to reading it all soon. Some of the things I’ve heard about, but there appears to be some very interesting surprises. He’s even worse than I thought.

    Mitt sure doesn’t seem much like his parents. His mama did think abortion should be safe and legal and his papa would have been a better president than Nixon. Mitt was their last child; their genes must have been weak by then.

  11. Gramiam says:

    ks, I can personally verify that there are increasing #’s of “good people” moving to Arizona. Because of them, AZ has turned from a Leaning Republican to a Tossup state. We have recalled the author of SB1070, disbarred a former county attorney, and “Sheriff Joe” is under increasing scrutiny by the FEDS and voters. His Democratic opponent is a truly competent former Phoenix policeman, who was in charge of the “Silent Witness” program and was it’s director during the time of several serial killers who were brought to justice. Jan Brewer cannot run again for governor so we will be looking for a Democratic candidate who can win against the GOP/Tea Party candidate in 2014. We will also have a Senate seat to snag. I cannot conceive of McCain running again in 2014.
    Also, I live in the newly added Congressional District 9, which is heavily Democratic, and features Kirsten Sinema, our former state senator, who has a dynamic record. All things considered, I’d say we are in good shape here.

  12. I got a headache reading about all of Mitt’s incarnations.
    So as an aside to his flip floppin’. . . .

  13. Bo Leeyeau says:

    ks sun

    “I’m wary of anyone who parlays background, money, and hair to political success.” [Talk about being non self-aware.]”

    Thief is sure everyone is stealing from him. The liar believe nothing anyone else says. We project our own flaws on everybody we meet.

    Romney thinks the President is a flipflopper?

  14. Suzanne Carey says:

    Given his vow to get tough with China I wonder how he sees Bian Capital’s role in the attemped Haier bid on Maytag (page 143)?

  15. ks sunflower says:

    I agree, Bo Leeyeau, projection is the name of the game for Mitt.

    Gramiam, I was simply quoting Mitt and teasing Juanita. I am from KS – no room to talk here. As I see it, both states have too many far-righters and too many good people who do little to stand up against them.

    Brownback, our far right Gov, is as bad as Brewer just more secretive. Remember, our KS dohicky (aka Sec. of State) also known as Kris Kobach is the guy who wrote that insane anti-immigration law for AZ. So, who am I to point fingers at AZ. KS has as much work to do as AZ to clean up the messes these folks have created. Unfortunately for Kansans, I don’t think we have the influx or will to throw our bums out of office. Good luck to AZ.

  16. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Sniff, sniff…. something smells. Oppo research online? If uploaded by Rmoney himself, why? If not by Rmoney, by who? McCain’s people or a Paulite? If so, why not include the one thing everyone wants to see? Notice what’s missing? His tax returns. Yea, something smells here.

  17. I saw a copy of this back during the GOP primary debates. I am pretty sure that Newt’s campaign had it. The good thing about this memo is that the Obama campaign can in effect cite this memo as backup for some of their attacks on Romney and point out that even Romney’s fellow republicans held these views about him

  18. Whew, thanks Juanita Jean. At least I know what I’ll be reading for the next…forever. Really interesting though. He’s the King of Flip Floppers. That’s for sure!

  19. @june: What you said.

    @Lorraine: I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t want to be leaking confidential financial records (i.e. tax returns) of anyone. I think that can get you in a heck of a lot of trouble. Plus it’s bad form. Would you want someone doing that to you?

  20. @Lorraine: I wouldn’t want to be the one to leak confidential financial records (i.e. tax returns). I’m pretty sure that can get you in a lot of trouble. Plus, it’s just bad form. Would you want someone doing that to you?
    Everything in the Willard file seems to be public information that was pulled together in a report.

    @june: What you said. Thanks for saying it for me.

  21. Lorraine says: “Oppo research online? If uploaded by Rmoney himself, why?”

    Lorraine, opposition researh is not collected by the candidate against whom the data is compiled. So, why would Mitt do opposition research on himself?
