Book Club Emergency Meeting Announced

March 02, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Monica kept a dress, but Hope Hicks kept … a damn diary!

Book deals are coming at her like fastballs in the World Series.  One agent said …

According to a White House insider, Hicks has been secretly keeping what was described as a ‘detailed diary of her White House work, and her interactions with the president.’

‘The thing is,’ the source tells Daily Mail, ‘Hope’s one of Donald Trump’s most  loyal colleagues and friends. She’s not one to destroy that relationship.

Yeah, maybe not for money from a book deal but, you know, Mueller subpoena.


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0 Comments to “Book Club Emergency Meeting Announced”

  1. Sounds like she was planning for her future. Well if not a book deal, Hicks could try hawking makeup on one of those home shopping channels until she has to trade her designer wardrobe for no-name orange prison wear.

  2. Hope’s new Master Charge commercial

    Annual salary as White House Drumpf-kin $180,000

    12 Moleskine leather bound diaries purchased the afternoon after Donald Drumpf draft YOU as campaign press secretary

    Knowing Mueller is gonna subpoena those diaries and read every word in ’em… F*cking PRICELESS!

  3. It’s all about money! ‘looks like she’s learned from the best money grubber around!

  4. rastybob says:

    One could [as we say] Hope, that Mueller, has read them all by now. And is doing the paper work.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Smart woman. She was listening when those chivalrous FBI boys warned her about those who might take advantage of her. Albeit they were thinking “Russians,” while she knew who the real rodents were.

    Hey Donnie, don’t look now, but #MeToo has become your #EtTu.

  6. I hope she starred each entry when it included a sweet little white lie for the Commandeer in Chief.

    This could be as exciting as the Nixon Tapes.

  7. Sandridge says:

    Talk about having a fluorescent neon dayglo target on your back, yikes! Ms. Hope has got to be the most endangered creature on Earth (if she really has kept such a diary).
    Just think of how many of the most powerful people in the world would like to know what’s in that document, to either make it disappear forever or use it in the most nefarious or justifiable means possible.
    The obvious ‘concerned one’ is SOBOTUS, what could he have done to bury this book the tools available?
    Putin could be drooling to get his mitts on it too, and he has a proven track record when it comes to extracting data and/or disappearing and/or terminating people.
    Hordes of others, all vying to somehow get a look at this.
    I wouldn’t want to even be in the same city with Ms. Hope (who likely has none, dead girl walking…).

    In any case, that diary could blow the BS Trumptanic out of the water and into low earth orbit.

  8. BarbinDC says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever heard the words “Emergency Book Club Meeting” before. Nice job!

  9. I love Emergency Book Club Meeting! Who brought the dip? It is divine!

  10. neighborm says:

    How many entries might be white lies?

  11. I immediately flashed to perjurer poppa who lied for what 6- 8 years about his personal diaries relating to Iran/contra before the slime bucket finally admitted it -“oh you mean these diaries”. Then pardoned every one who could put him in jail on the way out the door.

    So, I fear, it could be with these. Somehow diaries fall under dmented donnie’s control, or a lawyer holding them while court orders etc are ignored until his ideological pets on the scotus decide to violate every oath they had taken as lawyers, judges and citizens to rule in such a way to protect the man who holds their leashes.

    Either that or a suspicious fire where they are presumed lost.

  12. Tata says:
    Who brought the dip?

    That’s the beauty of the Emergency Book Club. The dips bring themselves, the rest of us just need to show up!

  13. I don’t think Mueller is going to get much out of 350 pages of Hope writing “Mrs. Hope Trump” over and over.

  14. Y’all are hilarious! Thanks, I needed that. (Dont we all?)

  15. Hope needs to put her diaries in safe in secret location with another name on the box along with her name. She could end up a dead woman with the current WH, congress and senate full of vipers.

  16. We saw this coming. She’s on Mueller’s radar. Stay tuned…

  17. Tilphousia says:

    Doubtful that anyone but Mueller will get paws on the diaries. Just saying, he is quietly moving ahead while the barking yam is running (ok, bad choice of words) in circles.

  18. Saw on the teevee a lawyer who assures everyone that whenever Mueller asks a question of the deposee, he already knows the exact answer to at least 85% of the questions he is running. Want to bet he already has the diary?

  19. IANAL, but I understand that the portions of her diary that cover the time she was working at the White House are official government records. I don’t know if she can still sell the publishing rights, but the diary should be available to Mueller.

    Oh, and you made me click on a link to the Daily Mail. I wish I hadn’t done that.

  20. maryelle says:

    Sounds like the plot to the Pelican Brief or some others Grisham wrote.

  21. UmptyDump says:

    Hicks hopes … She better not be destroying any diaries that exist. Mueller needs to subpoena them.
