Bonus Toon

April 28, 2024 By: Fenway Fran Category: Uncategorized

Because, Texas, y’all.

0 Comments to “Bonus Toon”

  1. Fenway Fran says:

    I apologize if I get a little excited when I find a Texas specific toon. This guy deserves all the negative attention he can get.

  2. van heldorf says:

    Off topic in order to get attention of Ms JJ and her lawyer son.

    trump on NY trial is trying to intimidate the jurors. Prosecutors have not disclosed their ID to prevent trump’s minions from causing harm away from courthouse.
    A suggestion: have jurors wear identical jumpsuits except for a number while in court and maybe even some kind of facial distortion such that when leaving for the day in their regular clothing, they appear as normal visitors and/or employees. Of course, expect surveillance by trump’s goon squad and plan accordingly.
    Could this work now? Maybe if present seating arrangement were secretly switched around as one caution.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    As for the Sunday toon, appears his calling is to be a butt head. Feel for you sane Texans. He also has an administration of butt heads.

  4. BarbinDC says:

    Of course, Abut is an idiot. Armed forces (either police or National Guard) don’t belong on campuses during any kind of protest. Most of us remember Kent State and know what the song “Ohio” is all about.

    They should all take a cue from the DC police, who were by the university to clear out an encampment at George Washington U (5 blocks from the White House). They looked at the situation and politely said, “HELL, NO!” It seems somebody at least has some institutional memory.

    @van heldorf: The Orange Defendant will find himself at Riker’s Island if he or his minions try to out the jury. Make no mistake about that.

  5. rastybob says:

    And you Guys in Texas keep electing him.

  6. That ‘toon is Guv Greggie in a RWNutShell.

    All the RWNJs that I’ve ever known think that the ONG should’ve emptied their M1 Garand clips* at Kent State and kept reloading.
    Again, I don’t think that too many of y’all libs realize the depth and seriousness of how much your –enemies–, be they full-fledged MAGAots, TPers, or plain old Rethugs, hate you and want you –gone–.

    * The M1 Garand is a semi-auto battle rifle that loads 8 round clips of 30-06 cartridges, which are very powerful [energy and weight] and have an effective range of over 2 miles. It became largely obsolete for battle in 1958, when the M14 went active [some snipers used them much longer]. But continued in use for training and auxiliary usage for many years, still used ceremonially. Still my favorite firearm.

  7. van heldorf says:

    BarbiDC – unfortunately much damage has already done. His sycophants may have several weeks to intimidate enough jurors to quit to yield a mistrial. Judge is doing a fine job without much latitude for error where Rikers is a last resort.

  8. Just Tex-ASS .

  9. Sandridge @6. Our A. L. Post just updated to the M1 from the Springfield last year for our Color Guard. I really miss the old bolt action cadence commands.

  10. I’m old enough to remember the 2022 NSGOP primary election. Abutt’s biggest competition was Don Huffines, an extreme right-wing nutball, whose campaign slogan was ‘An actual Republican.’ Somehow that offended Abutt, who has worked his butt off ever since to show that he’s an ‘actual’ Republican, too.

    That kind of thing plays well in the NSDAP, uh, I mean, the NSGOP. Through it, they keep telling us in no uncertain terms who they are.
