Bolton Banging On the War Drum

May 15, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Alternative Facts, Trump

We all know that John Bolton hates everyone and everything Iranian.  He desperately tried to get GWB to bomb Tehran back to the stone age, but still licking his wounds from his folly in Iraq, even HE wasn’t stupid enough to fall for Bolton’s bullshit on Iran.

Well, Bolton’s got a president now who is remarkably more stupid that GWB, so it’s Deja Vu all over again, and this time Trump IS stupid enough to go along with him.  Even while he denies he’s planning on sending in 120,000 troops into the Middle East, the defense department is planning on…sending 120,000 troops to the Middle East.  As we talked about yesterday, he’s already moved a carrier battle group into the region, and B-52 bombers are being staged into the area.

Now the State Department has ordered the consulates in Iraq be evacuated.  US central command in the Middle East has troops on high alert citing threats from Syria and Iran.  The problem, though, is that no one outside of the US government sees ANY increased threat from Iran.  In fact, the senior British officer in the coalition anti-terrorism operation in the Middle East confirms there is no increased threat; Trump responded to his comments as “fake news”.

In 2002, I was highly skeptical of all the bullshit that Bush/Cheney was peddling to whip up a war with Saddam Hussein.  Nothing they said made any sense, and there was NO evidence that Iraq had anything whatsoever to do with the 9/11 attacks.  This drumbeat to war feels the same to me.  No one with the government has given ANY evidence that Iran or Syria are doing anything that is more threatening that their normal hostility.  Because of these circumstances, I’m going to continue calling bullshit on Trump and call this what it is – Wagging the Dog to win the next election.  Nothing more, nothing less.

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0 Comments to “Bolton Banging On the War Drum”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    I heard about those WsMD. The ones Bush1 gave to Hussein and he expended on the Kurds. He really should have shared that fact with his boy.

    Meanwhile, Iran is still complying with the nuclear arms deal that IQ4.5 tore up as far as US participation. So the artless McDeal maker wants to drop a few $trillion in MOABs and other expensive arms, kill a few millions of ours and theirs over his own non-deal while the real deal is being honored. All that for a war any thinking person in Israel does not want. But all that somehow makes sense to Bibi, Putin, Bolton and Pompeo.

  2. megasoid says:

    Well that is vexing. Damn bloody Brits. Just when Venezuela regime change (a flaming bag of dog shit cunningly left at Maduro’s door) was going sooo well.

    Wasn’t it Saudis who were sightseeing from the cockpits on 9/11? You know, the ones Don Junior wants to give nuclear technology to, for whatever purposes.

    Discussions about Impeachment or no notwithstanding, the Disaster presidency will proceed with vigorous mayhem.

    For example:
    NASA’s $1.6B budget bump would come from Pell Grant funds for low-income students.

  3. Grandma Ada says:

    So where are all our generals who were supposed to talk Trump out of these stupid decisions or not follow his directives?

  4. Beststash says:

    The Drums of War….We’ve seen this movie before

    Vietnam…..Gulf of Tonkin. Fake
    Iraq…..Weapons of Mass Destruction Fake

    Now Iran….this script will contain both. Same script with different names.

    Coming Soon….

    Strait of Hormuz “attack”
    Iran has the “Bomb” in months

    Will we ever learn?

  5. Bob Boland says:

    “We” learned a long time ago. Unfortunately, the a*hole in the White House is incapable of learning anything because he already “knows it all”. Just ask him… or just wait for his next tweets to tell you how smart he is.

    BTW, I never heard a clear explanation with respect to the existence of the supposed WMDs that triggered the Iraq War II. Supposedly Hussein had WMDs, yet in the mid90’s his son-in-law, the one in charge of Iraq’s bio and chem weapons programs defected to the West and credibly revealed that Hussein had secretly terminated the programs and destroyed all of the weapons following the first Iraq war. Now, some might say that this was disinformation from Hussein but, when the son-in-law was lured back to Iraq with promises of forgiveness for his crime, Hussein had him AND his own daughter (the wife) executed. Not sure how this would encourage others in Hussein’s sphere to participate in additional disinformation campaigns.

  6. Opinionated Hussy says:

    One has to suspect that the scum on the swamp in DeeCee have recently bought into the military-industrial complex on the cheap and are ready to make a profit 1) on the backs of poor kids who joined the military as a way out of poverty and 2) to the complete destruction of Mother Earth. And I had thought W was trying to bring on the Endtimes…time for the Generals to step up to the plate!

  7. Wyatt Earl says:

    I gotta believe those four “attacks” on oil tankers, suspiciously timed, were collusion between trump and the saudis. I notice none of the tankers sank, or burned.

  8. I just finished talking to my daughter who works in the hospitality industry. She told me that troops are staying at the hotel where she works in Montgomery, Alabama. She’s manager of Visitor/Guest Services. She told me these troops are there because they’re being deployed. She also said, “Mama, some of them are so young, like 18, 19, and some are in their early 20s.” SMDH. I taught high school for over 30 years, and I’m so upset at what may happen to these kids because of DJT and Bolton’s warmongering and attempt to start a was with Iran. To them, these kids are simply pawns in their attempt to maintain power after 2020. F*ck them both and everyone who supports them.
