Blake, Oh Blake.

April 17, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Wanna know why Blake Farenthold resigned so abruptly?

The House Ethics Committee was about to rule against Farenthold in its investigation into whether he sexually harassed members of his staff, used official money for campaign purposes and lied in previous testimony to the committee, according to the office of Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.).

The committee gave Farenthold a heads-up about its coming decision, so he quit, per Speier’s office.

He needs to be in the pokey.  He does not deserve a heads up.  The women he harassed did not get a heads up.  He lied to a congressional committee without a heads up.

Anybody in South Texas who voted for him needs to have their voter registration card revoked.

I still want my $87,000 back.

Thanks to everybody and their Aunt Thelma for the heads up!  

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