Biting Off Your Nose To Spite Your Face

September 30, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So the damn United States Congress voted to override President Obama’s veto of the 911-bill that allows US citizens to sue Saudi Arabia over 911.

It was the first time they have overridden any of Obama’s vetoes.

Then they woke up this morning and realized what they did.  Brexit revisited.

U.S. lawmakers on Thursday expressed doubts about Sept. 11 legislation they forced on President Barack Obama, saying the new law allowing lawsuits against Saudi Arabia could be narrowed to ease concerns about its effect on Americans abroad.

… the White House argued it could have negative repercussions on U.S. citizens and companies who could be subject to suits over U.S. government actions.

It’s an election year and nobody wanted to be against 911 victims getting whatever they can from Saudi Arabia.

Congress claims they are going to “fit it,” read: gut it after the election.

It’s times like these that I realize that no matter how cynical I get, I can’t keep up with Congress.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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