Bill Zedler Didn’t Get The Memo
Y’all, I need to issue an apology for Bill Zedler … well, actually I need to issue several apologies for Zedler, a member of the Texas Yehaw! Legislature.
Zedler was the guy who wanted strippers to have to obtain a license and wear it while performing. He filed a bill that would allow doctors to inject jet fuel into patients – yes, the same doctor who contributed heavily to his campaign – and a bill to outlaw Sharia law in Texas.
So, what’s left?
Where the hell was Barack Obama born, dammit!
Yes, Zedler has introduced a birther bill to the Texas lege. Yehaw!
It would allow the Texas Secretary of State to “obtain a certified copy of the candidate’s birth certificate from the original issuing authority” before that name could go on a Texas ballot.
Me? Hell, I need proof that Zedler was sired by humans.
Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.