Bill Nye, the Science Guy

May 20, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

For about 10 days now I have been getting emails and tips about Bill Nye The Science Guy getting booed in Waco for saying that the moon doesn’t have light of its own but reflected light from the sun, in direct contradiction to Genesis 1:16.

Waco: In Texas By Geological Accident

First of all, according to Nye, he didn’t get booed.  One woman took her children and walked out.  Second of all, it happened in 2006.

I’ll have you know that we have become far more sophisticated in Texas since 2006.

If Nye were to say that today in Waco, the Belles of Heaven Republican Women’s Club would have been prepared for his visit with “Hell for Heathens and Science Guys” posters with at least two misspelled words.  The President of Baylor University Ken Starr (yes, that Ken Starr) would have started an investigation of Nye’s hoochy-koochy life.  And Louie Gohment would have arrived with his asparagus aspersion casting machine.

And Billy Hank’s Guns, Bait and Wedding Supplies Convenience Store would have sold far more guns than bait in preparation for Nye’s visit. Rick Perry would have declared it Freedom From Facts Day and the moon wouldn’t even have had the guts to show up that night.

We are ready for  that kind of hocus-pocus science in Texas nowadays.

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0 Comments to “Bill Nye, the Science Guy”

  1. Hence the term “lunatic”..

  2. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Geologic accident indeed! Waco lies at the intersection of two fault lines. Your picture is the east/west fault line, the Bosque Escarpment near its intersection with the north/south fault line, the White Rock Escarpment.

    Waco is not nearly as bad as its reputation, but it does have its faults.

  3. Well, I would have thought the Baptists had corrected them by now.

  4. maryelle says:

    Don’t forget the Texas chapter of the Flat Earth Society. They’d want a shot at Nye too.

  5. So, not being content with taking us back to the 18th century, they now want to zip through the entire Dark Ages and return us to ancient Rome.

  6. And who says the Southern states haven’t made progress………

  7. Marge Wood says:

    Hey, give the lady a break. Maybe her kids had to potty RIGHT THEN.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    Listen up. I am going to harangue about desertification of Texas which is happening at an alarming rate. I don’t care who gets credit for helping stop it, whether it’s His Royal Fine Hairness or the Earthkeepers or the Tea Party (well, maybe not the Tea Party; they’re funded by the Koch Brothers) we gotta pay attention. If you’re looking at new appliances get an energy efficient one and then use it as little as possible (wear clothes twice?). If you use a drier, try out air drying. It works and doesn’t require any external fuel sources. Handy factoid: if the whole USA hung out laundry to dry, it would be the same as NOT building a nuclear power plant. (How many times have I said that?)
    Marge, crying in the wilderness with Bill Nye.

  9. Corinne Sabo says:

    Can anybody prove there is a Waco? (Sorry, Mae)

  10. I’m not related to anyone from or presently in Waco, so I feel sure that I am only outraging friends or strangers: There is something really strange about Wacko. I tell my kids trailers are tornado magnets. In similar fashion Wacko is a wingnut magnet, the number uno example being David Koresh. Can some customer living nearby but unaffected get water and air samples? It is possible the Repubs have weaponized LSD or peyote.

  11. Naaa, they would be much quieter, if so.

  12. Marge, I don’t use the dry cycle on my dishwasher, instead opening it and letting them air dry (my dishwasher even has a button to turn the element off). I am forbidden by HOA ordinance from hanging laundry outdoors, though I keep the loads large to use the heat efficiently.

    One thing available in Austin: a cut-off for the hot water heater. For 4 months each summer, the city cuts the power off to the hot water heater for a few hours each weekday afternoon, saving the equivalent of one month’s electricity by the end of the summer. One can manually bypass the shutoff, but I’ve discovered I can have the power turned off to it for three days and still get a warm shower. There’s also a “vacation” mode to shut it off when one is gone for extended periods. I believe it is a mandatory addition in new apartment buildings here.

    Since I live alone and I’m not home much, being able to turn my hot water heater off just makes sense.
