Bill Nye, the Science Guy

May 20, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

For about 10 days now I have been getting emails and tips about Bill Nye The Science Guy getting booed in Waco for saying that the moon doesn’t have light of its own but reflected light from the sun, in direct contradiction to Genesis 1:16.

Waco: In Texas By Geological Accident

First of all, according to Nye, he didn’t get booed.  One woman took her children and walked out.  Second of all, it happened in 2006.

I’ll have you know that we have become far more sophisticated in Texas since 2006.

If Nye were to say that today in Waco, the Belles of Heaven Republican Women’s Club would have been prepared for his visit with “Hell for Heathens and Science Guys” posters with at least two misspelled words.  The President of Baylor University Ken Starr (yes, that Ken Starr) would have started an investigation of Nye’s hoochy-koochy life.  And Louie Gohment would have arrived with his asparagus aspersion casting machine.

And Billy Hank’s Guns, Bait and Wedding Supplies Convenience Store would have sold far more guns than bait in preparation for Nye’s visit. Rick Perry would have declared it Freedom From Facts Day and the moon wouldn’t even have had the guts to show up that night.

We are ready for  that kind of hocus-pocus science in Texas nowadays.

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