Big Money. Seriously Big Money.

July 23, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita’s friend Alfredo has come across an interesting story that hasn’t made news yet that I know about.

Here’s what Alfredo found, and, Honey, this will warm your heart with memories   —

There’s a pdf that goes with this story to prove the numbers.  It’s right here.

Ah, it seems just like old times, when Karl Rove and Tom DeLay got Texas oil billionaires to finance the hostile takeover of both the federal and Texas state governments. They were so good at it, Karl thought he’d try again.

Karl Rove’s American Crossroads – the 527, not the 501(c)(4) – just filed its June report with the IRS. The 527 reported raising $3.4 million in June. What nobody has reported, however, is that $3.3 million of that came from just three billionaires:

B. Wayne Hughes, CEO of Public Storage – $1.3 million (bringing his year-to-date total contribution to $1.5 million).

Harold Simmons, owner of Southwest Louisiana Land LLC – $1 million.

Robert Rowling, owner of TRT Holdings – $1 million.

Simmons and Rowling are both Texas oil billionaires.

Simmons financed the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and gave $2.8 million to another front group, the American Issues Project, that ran anti-Obama ads in 2008.

Rowling gave $1 million to still another front group, Progress for America Voters Fund, to support George W. Bush’s re-election in 2004.

Wayne Hughes lives in Malibu and gave $1 million to elect Arnold Schwarzenegger governor of California.

Politico reported earlier this year that the first $1 million contribution to American Crossroads came from another Texas oil billionaire, Trevor Rees-Jones.

So of the total $4.7 million that American Crossroads has raised this year, $4,550,000 came from three Texas oil billionaires and a California horse breeder.

And all that money is being spent on ads attacking Senators Harry Reid (D-NV) and Patty Murray (D-WA) in a desperate attempt by the oil industry to buy back control of the the U.S. Senate.

It’s our country – but thanks to the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United, its for sale to the highest bidder.  It seems that oil companies are buying up what bankers and insurance companies couldn’t afford.

Memories, like the corner of my mind, misty water-colored memories of the way we were …….

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