Big Misunderstanding Over a Small Thing

April 02, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Gawker, where political gossip meets Paris Hilton, has a story this morning about a incident with Rick Perry in a bathroom right before the New Hampshire debate.

It seems that the manager of a rival candidate was in the bathroom.  In comes Texas Governor Rick Perry and he “came down the row of about twenty urinals and stood companionably close by,” all the while singing – apparently quite loudly – I’ve Been Working on the Railroad.

The rival campaign manager says he “made a hasty exit; as the bathroom door closed, he could hear Perry still merrily singing away: “I-I-I’ve been working on the ra-a-i-i-l-road, all-l-l the live-long day . . .”

Gawker thought this was a strange and embarrassing activity, and was probably due to all the pain drugs Rick Perry has to take for “his back.”  (Little do they know that he takes them  to remain just stupid instead of painfully stupid.)

As people from foreign states shamefully rarely know, The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You is sung to the same tune as I’ve Been Working on the Railroad. This explains the behavior.  The rival campaign manager just mistook I’ve Been Working on the Railroad for The Eyes of Texas.

And why was Rick Perry singing it loudly while at the urinal?

Well, of course he was.  Every decent Texas man always sings The Eyes Of Texas Are Upon You while holding his twittle.

Thanks to Steve for the heads up.

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