Better Than a Fire at the IRS Office

June 11, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita is delighted with some good news she heard this morning.   Republicans are jumping on the Rand Paul bandwagon.

(AP) – Kentucky Republican senatorial candidate Rand Paul, whose antiestablishment fervor has endeared him to tea party activists, will collect campaign cash at a pricey fundraiser in the nation’s capital hosted by Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell.

Well, that’s a move as fake as a four dollar wig,” Juanita laughs.  “Paul, who was not valedictorian of the Clear Thinkin’ school, is now the darlin’ of the mainstream GOP.”

“I, for one, could not he more delighted,” she told everyone.  “It’s going to be entertaining to see the entire GOP walk around with Rand Paul on their shoulders.  I’ll be like watching the mouse carry the cat around.”

“And as far as the pittance of dignity remaining in Mr. Paul, which is thinner than a frog hair split four ways as it is, that gets sold to the higher bidder in McConnell’s back pocket.”

“This event proves once and for all that with sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine.”

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