Best Little Whorehouse in Texas is the Congress

July 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I do not enjoy calling Texas congressvarmints cheap pavement princesses.

Okay, so I do.  It’s just that I hate to continually be embarrassed by them.

Today we have a one Republican and one Democrat.  The Republican is Randy Neugebauer of Yachting Randy Fame and the other is Democrat Henry Cuellar, whose middle name is goddam around here because he’s a blue dog sellout who would give you his mother’s teeth for a little attention from the media or, apparently, $1,000.

Both Neugebauer and Cuellar have taken money from HSBC, a money laundering  operation for drug cartels and terrorists.

HSBC Holdings Plc (HSBA)’s head of group compliance, David Bagley, told a Senate hearing he will step down amid charges the bank gave terrorists, drug cartels and criminals access to the U.S. financial system by failing to guard against money laundering.

Bagley was among at least six HSBC executives who testified before the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations today after the panel released a 335-page report describing a decade of compliance failures by Europe’s biggest bank. London- based HSBC enabled drug lords to launder money in Mexico, did business with firms linked to terrorism and concealed transactions that bypassed U.S. sanctions against Iran, Senate investigators said in the report.

And here ya go —


Do you think they’ll give it back?  Does a chicken have lips?  Does a windmill pump oil?

Upkeep on a yacht in the middle of the damn desert and kissing up to Republicans to keep them from running against you is getting expensive.  That’s why these two characters are cheap.

And the cherry on top?  Randy Neugebauer is on the House Financial Services Committee that is supposed to be overseeing this bank.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Best Little Whorehouse in Texas is the Congress”

  1. How much more of this bank-sponsored corruption will we have to swallow before we publicly rate the Money Center right up there with the Gambinos and the Betas?

  2. One of these days, I’m coming to the DQ and meet Alfredo! Thanks.

  3. I am all about follow the money, but it is the money’s influence I worry about, not the money itself. I’d take the Devil’s money to help the poor in a heartbeat.
    Having said that, this site:

    confirms that Cuellar has, over time, earned the contribution.
    Shame Shame Shame Shame!

  4. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    DQs strike me as the bellwether of a community. Where a community is strong the DQ flourishes with the community. When a community grows larger and hence less cohesive the DQ mirrors the decline in cohesion. The DQs seem to get worse and disappear altogether the closer you get to the centers of Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, etc. Yet Plano has a good DQ as well as McKinney.

  5. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Aw c’mon Juanita Jean, tell us how you REALLY feel about these lower-than-roadkill, toad-suckin’ two-steppers.

  6. I think this helps explain why the banks are too big to fail, but the middle class isn’t.

  7. In Arkansas, our Blue Dog is Mike Ross. That’s the bad news. The good news is that he’s retiring this year.

  8. Oh my, my. Good old Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank.. Gee did anyone not see this coming?

  9. BCCI (“Bank of Crooks and Criminals Inc.”), Nguyen Hand Bank, its not like this is even original.
