Ben Carson Explanation of the Day

November 06, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, come to find out, Ben Carson was never offered a scholarship at West Point because West Point has never heard of Ben Carson.

Luckily for us, Carson did not claim that West Point is just forgetful.

Unluckily for us, Carson has an excuse.  He’s far too great to be expected to tell the truth.

In an interview with The New York Times on Friday, Mr. Carson said: “I don’t remember all the specific details. Because I had done so extraordinarily well you know I was told that someone like me – they could get a scholarship to West Point. But I made it clear I was going to pursue a career in medicine.”

I wanna know.  Is his name really Tupac Shakur?  Seriously.  We need to look into this.

And the latest:

Carson on Friday afternoon was asked by Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly whether he should have been more clear about the circumstances surrounding West Point in his book, and replied, “I guess it could have been more clarified. I told it as I understood it.”

He could have been “more clarified.”  You mean like butter?

Honey, this man’s understanding  is damaged. Bless his heart.

Thanks to every for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Ben Carson Explanation of the Day”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “I told it as I understood it.” …. in other words, he lied. SnacilbupeR have more euphemisms for lie than words in their combined vocabularies.

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Westmoreland was replaced by General Creighton Abrams in June 1968, the decision being announced shortly after the Tet Offensive. Although the decision had been made in late 1967,

    Ben Carson meet truth, Truth,this is Ben Carson. He has been an admirer of yours for years,truth. Bout time you got acquainted.

  3. e platypus onion says:

    Tet offensive started New Year’s Day 1968,if memory serves.

  4. Westpoint doesn’t even offer scholarships. The military pays all expenses for all students. When you go to one of the academies, you make a commitment to the military. Carson has absolutely no idea what he is talking about. The entire story is made up. First rule of lying, know something about what you are lying about.

  5. everyone who attends one of the service academies gets a free ride, dr. carson wouldn’t have been special. if he’d been accepted to medical school, he could have gone, it would have just extended his required 5 year minimum service tour by three years. it’s done all the time, same for law school.

  6. Cartoon is on CNN at the moment. “They’re trying to tarnish me and my family because I’m doing so well.” Also, it’s that damn liberal media picking on him. Plus he forgets things. And they always liked Obama best.

    Sorry, my BS Meter just exploded all over my tablet. I have to clean it up now.

    BTW, WTH does his family have to do with the Catoon’s lies?

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Debbo-you’ve got mail.

  8. In the time that I lived in the states in my young young years, us kids did hear from other people at various times that we should go to West Point. By we I mean the boys in my neighborhood. Us girls were just privileged to hang around the edges and hear these things. We all got the impression that it was a scholarship that got you into West Point. Since none of the boys were interested, they never went after real data. It was only years later when I was in college that I found out that yes it was a free ride but it wasn’t a scholarship. It seems you sold yourself to Uncle Sam for a certain duration. I would bet that there are still kids out there who don’t know the facts about any of the military colleges. They are likely thinking that who ever got in was lucky enough to qualify for a scholarship. Some of this confusion can be chalked up to the lack of transparency on the part of these schools. We get plenty of info from all sorts of colleges but West Point, Annapolis and the rest of them, including the Coast Guard academy just aren’t up front and personal about how they do things.

  9. maggie, I can understand people not understanding that people who don’t know anything about the military academies might, in their ignorance, confuse the situation and think the academies offer “scholarships.” Which really just proves the point that the entire story is a lie. Every bit of it. If Carson had done even a cursory bit of research he would know the difference. And his assertion that he decided not to go to Westpoint because he wanted to be a doctor is silly. They do have doctors in the military. And while you can’t get an MD from any of the academies, you can do your undergrad there which will lead to the military paying for you to go to med school.

    I assert again, that if you are going to lie, at least know something about what you are lying about. Jeez, he’s not even a good liar. He’s just a grifter.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    I’d always heard that a senator or someone had to nominate an aspiring student for admission to a service academy. I’m more surprised that a young Ben Carson didn’t try to filet Westmoreland at dinner. Carson apparently was handywith a blade,or so he claimed/

  11. e platypus, you need either a congressional nomination (senator or rep or VP) or a career military nomination (daughters and sons of high-ranking military officials or current military members).

  12. For the record, Westmorland could not have nominated Carson unless he was active duty military.

  13. e platypus onion says:

    Thanks for the clarification. Mark J.

    In the final analysis,Carson’s lies won’t matter to wingnuts. They will blame it on the liberal media and another lying nutjob will get another deservedly undeserved free pass.

    Maybe the liberal media ought to go along and embellish all these lies and add more to them so wingnuts will get disgusted with candidates being helped out by the liberal media. You know-reverse psychology.

  14. Mental Ben isn’t even trying. Normally, the 24-hour news cycle is something I just read about online, because although I have cable internet at home, I refuse to pay for commercial TV and make due with what I can get over the air. Today, however, I was working at a friend’s house, and she turned on CNN. Not only did I get to hear Mental Ben lying and embellishing, I also heard from that other Republican doctor-cum-presidential-candidate, Rand Paul. When asked if he’d abolish the TSA, he said he’d privatize it. I guess no one informed him that although there’s a federal agency in charge overall, many of the airports hire private companies to do the TSA’s work. They’re unbelievable, because they all lie, all the time.

    It’s time for Democrats to register and vote, every election, every year. I voted Tuesday, for Democratic judges who were running unopposed.

  15. 1smartcanerican says:

    Tet offensive was 1/30/68. I was a stewardess on a MAC flight and we flew into Viet Nam that night, a night I’m not likely to forget. It was like flying into a fireworks show! Landed at one base and offloaded the troops w/o ever turning off the engines, took off and went to another base to pick up homeward bound troops and headed back to Japan. We did have a few calming cocktails to celebrate getting in/out of there that night safely, although the airplane did have some damage due to the action.

  16. After that aggrandizing book of spoor that O’Reilly got ripped to pieces for publishing as his journalism history under “fire”, the lack of self awareness in critiquing Carson is just hilarious. When it comes to liar’s poker I take Bill over Ben any day!

  17. charles r. phillips says:

    Please, please, PLEEEEAASE make this yo-yo the Republican nominee!

  18. @charles r., that was said about Dubya too, and look what happened. I’m afraid it’s hard to underestimate the stupidity of a majority of Americans who vote.

  19. e platypus, I must respectfully disagree that Carson’s lies won’t matter to wingnuts.

    The wingnuts love them. For years they have enjoyed rewriting the Constitution, the Bible and history to suit themselves. Carson is their kind of guy.

  20. Carson is not putting things together mentally. This is a good point a lot of people have made. As a result you really have to wonder about this brain surgeon’s own brain. And I’m still bemused to put it politely about what my grandchildren are experiencing as they face college. The oldest is doing the scholarship gauntlet. “Scholarship” is bout the only thing you hear at her house. A sibling just a bit younger is not impressed with all the stress. When it was suggested that with some of his talents he really should go to West Point, he rejected the idea thinking that of all the places to go, their “scholarship” criteria would be the most impossible. And no one clarified the situation for him. Thats the scary part. As for Carson, as he blunders on his way, he is doing a first class job of Herman Cain-ing himself.

  21. Are people talking about rappel cruz?
    I really think he is biding his time waiting for the yahoo’s to burn out and then he is going to look like the sane one.
    He is positioning himself. He went after the press so they will notbquestion him and he has hardly used any of his cash.

  22. Sorry this tablet changes words on me. Raphael. Not rappel.

  23. Diane, Cruz may be waiting to take strategic advantage of the front runners’ foibles, but in no way will he ever look sane.

  24. fran seyer says:

    Once again, it is Obama’s fault……….

  25. e platypus onion says:

    1smartcanerican, thanks for the clarification. I was a frosh in high school and remember it being called New Tear’s Tet offensive. Anyway,Carson is like other wingnuts with completely faulty memories and absolutely no shame about lying. Wait until HRC makes a misstep and all hell will brak loose.

    OT-are you from mudflats way back when?

  26. Ben Carson doesn’t care if he’s caught out for lying because obviously he has no shame and the end result is still the same…he will continue to haul in the money. Just like that buffoon Trump where teabaggers support him because he is what a man is supposed to sound like, whereas to the sane people Trump just sounds like an ass****.

  27. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Whether Mental Ben had a conversation or an imaginary conversation with Billy Westmoreland is a moot question according to the doctor. That was 50 years ago. OK, I’ll give him that. But the rest of his playing the media victim card? Not so fast. Granted that his long term memory may have holes in it, but his short term memory has a few glaring gapes, too.

    His latest defense is the “if only” defense. As in if only the media had paid such careful attention to candidate Obama’s personal details. So now Ben claims to have forgotten “the birthers” and their ferret leader, T. Donald Rump. With his current howls about evil CNN, wait until Mental Ben meets the Ferret Brigade.

    Ben is about to have dumbazz added to his resume. T-Rump won’t need to open his mouth this time. Just summon the ‘birthers’ and his work will be done. Bye Ben….

  28. Hey, the RWNJ want a fantasy land filled with underlings they can belittle and dominate… who better than a self aggrandizing fool with NO job experience.

  29. Republicans have always played fast and loose with the truth.
    I am surprised that the press has not brought up the whole Trump University scam. Haven’t seen any mention of it recently.

  30. e platypus onion says:

    Too bad Ronnie Raygun ain’t around. Be nice to here how Raygun and this nut negotiated peace with honor with them damn commies. Unfortunately a lot of wingnuts would believe it.

  31. 1smartcanerican says:

    EPO, I believe Tet is the Vietnamese New Year celebration. It occurs during the first seven days of the first month of the lunar calendar. It follows the Chinese New Year as Vietnam was under Chinese control at one time. Thus the confusion on dates 🙂

  32. 1smartcanerican says:

    EPO, yes I am one and the same from the mudflats years ago. Still hanging out on the blogs, just different ones from then.

  33. 1smartcanerican says:

    Here is a great article I found this morning which appears to show a narcissist’s home:

    The man definitely has issues!

  34. And now Carson’s doubling down has his home town newspaper, The Detroit News busting him even worse…

    “Friday evening, Carson lambasted Politico during a press conference for allegedly publishing an “outright lie” about his West Point story. Carson defended his wobbly story by saying that he interpreted an informal offer from Gen. William Westmoreland after a dinner together as an offer for a full scholarship. In his book “Gifted Hands”, Carson claimed this dinner took place after marching in a Memorial Day parade.

    But the General was not even in Michigan let alone Detroit on Memorial Day or the days before or after it, according to the Detroit News.”

    I’m noticing that when Ben gets called on a lie his eyes open wide and he loses the quiet drawl…

    Anybody else see that?
    Easier to spot him lying than Pinocchio…

  35. Did anyone watch the Democratic Forum last night? It was moderated by Rachel Maddow and it was outstanding! She asked important, well-researched questions and gave each candidate time to answer. They were with her individually and the forum took place in SC.

    Here is a Politics USA summary:

    This one is from MSNBC:

    (epo, see what I did there with the URLs?)

  36. e platypus onion says:

    Good for you,Debbo. 🙂 I feel like a proud papa all over some more,again,too still yet.

  37. Hold the presses! We have a new addition to Mental Ben’s Tall Tales! He was chosen Most Honest Student of a Yale class that didn’t exist!

    《Applause! Applause! Applause!》

    From our friends at Gawker:

  38. e platypus onion says:

    What’s the next logical progression after doubling down doesn’t work?

  39. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    e platypus onion, switch sports and punt? Or, go on SNL despite saying he wouldn’t. He’d never lie; just changing his mind, or something.

  40. Thanks, Debbo, for that additional glimpse into Tales of Carson.
    Even if true, the title “Most Honest Student” doesn’t make sense. All that was shown by Ben’s being the only one to agree to retake the test was that he was a major kissa$$, not an honest one.
