Being Cantankerous for Cantankerous Sake

June 22, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell spends his Saturdays telling kids to get off his lawn.  He spends every other day of the week purposefully forgetting things.  I’m just positive of that.

The latest is his indignation at Eric Holder for believing in the Constitution of the United States of America. McConnell wrongly believes that Eric Holder should try terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay, instead of a civilian court, because they don’t deserve “all the rights” given to Americans.

Say what?

McConnell said Holder’s assertion last week that civilian courts are the most effective way to fight terrorism is “an audacious claim about the war on terrorism.”

“These comments insult those who have served on the front lines, but Holder’s clear intent was to justify the Obama administration’s two-year misadventure in treating captured terrorists like common criminals,” McConnell wrote.

Say double what?

Uh, didn’t we try Timothy McVeigh in a civilian court?  Seems to me that worked out okay.

“We ain’t no damn banana republic with a military junta.  Mitch McConnell spent a grueling 2 months, from July to August of 1967, in the military service in the hellhole of dangerous Fort Knox, Kentucky, where he was discharged for a wimpy medical condition called optic neuritis.  He immediately went to work as an intern on Capitol Hill and finished law school 2 months later.  So, he can shuddup about military courts.  He don’t know diddle squat about military courts,” Juanita says.

“You had your chance, Old Man,” she hollers, “and you gave it up for self promotion.”

Damn, she’s kinda had it with him.

Thanks to David for the heads-up.

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