Being a Stinker

February 25, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Local Stuff

Incumbent State Representative and well known mean person, Dora Olivo, has now joined the Stinkerdom Movement, a political strategy that up until now has been reserved for Republicans.

Dora has taken a boatload of Labor Union money.

Yet, none of her printed materials or yardsigns have a union bug on them.  And she hasn’t bought them locally either.

“Now, if I had given Dora a whole mess of money and then she took her business over to Betty Sue’s Hairirific, I’d be a tad peeved,” Juanita admits.

“I don’t know who is making decisions about Union political contributions around here, but they apparently don’t like unions much,” Juanita suspects.

“Plus, that’s just rude.  It’s just rude.  But, that’s Dora so what else can I say?”


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