Because With Obamacare, America Ain’t Worth Saving

September 23, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz.  Because he eats bullets for breakfast and then shoots off his mouth all day, that’s why.

Ted Cruz is now threatening to shut down the military unless we defund Obamacare.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Sunday warned Senate Republicans that refusing to filibuster a bill that defunds President Barack Obama’s health care reform law “is a vote for Obamacare,” and he also advised House Republicans to “shut down the military” if they had to.

He appears to be serious.  But then you never know because he obviously wasn’t being serious when he ran on the platform that he’d be a good Senator.

I suspect he has a PLAN B.  As you know, Texas has many well-reguated militias, some of them having only member and others intent on shooting each other … but well regulated by some magical force that makes them stockpile ammo and Lone Star beer.

Billy Bob and Bubba Hank can take on them Russian and then them A-rabs, too.

They’ve got themselves a bunker right outside of El Campo and they have enough beer and missile launchers to protect South Korea.  With the help of the Teds – Nugent and Cruz – they got this thing under control.




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