Because Watching the Super Bowl Alone is Far More Traumatic Than Your Dad Hiking the Appalachian Trail

April 18, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I need prayer or a good psychiatrist, either one, maybe both, because I am enjoying the life of Mark Sanford way too much for a normal person.  And sadly, I know for a fact that I am enjoying his life far more than he is.  That just doesn’t seem right.

Former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford must appear in court two days after running for a vacant congressional seat to answer a complaint that he trespassed at his ex-wife’s home, according to court documents acquired by The Associated Press on Tuesday.

The complaint says Jenny Sanford confronted Sanford leaving her Sullivan’s Island home on Feb. 3 by a rear door, using his cell phone for a flashlight. Her attorney filed the complaint the next day and Jenny Sanford confirmed Tuesday the documents are authentic.

But, Mark Sanford, who has a perfectly charming reason for everything he does, says that he was only being a good father, explaining ….

I did indeed watch the second half of the Super Bowl at the beach house with our 14-year-old son because as a father I didn’t think he should watch it alone.

He also explained that the reason he didn’t call his former wife to let her know he was coming to her house, even though the divorce settlement says he can’t enter her home, was because she was out of town.  And, of course, cell phones can work as flashlights, but not to call people way over yonder in other cities.

Republicans must be thrilled with having this guy on the ticket.  At least he has reasons for being a total jerk.  Bad and ridiculous reasons, but at least they are reasons.  Which is far more than can be said for other Republicans.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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