Because They’re Still Sure He’s Coming

May 13, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


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0 Comments to “Because They’re Still Sure He’s Coming”

  1. Hahaha…Perfect!

  2. PattiCakes says:

    LOVE IT!

  3. He looks like he’s really enjoying being a ‘Lame Duck’. Because it could offend Momma I will only say ‘sock it to ’em Mr. Pres.’

    I am really annoyed at him however in regards to the offshore drilling approved for Shell, disappointed to say the least.

  4. Absolutely!

  5. Oh, that’s fine. Is there only one, or do all the service members in Jade Helm 15 get them too?

  6. I love this! Someone should purchase one of these for every member of Jade Helm, particularly that poor Sargant who was forced to deal with those idiots at the townhall meeting you mentioned JJ! I’ll contribute!!

  7. txscotty says:

    After seeing what the Texas Lege is trying to do to the gay citizens of this state, I’m not so sure it wouldn’t be a good idea for the Feds to take over this state. Then we wouldn’t have to put up with the lunatics who are currently in charge.

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Geez, O’Bummer just get over yourself and spare us the expense of invading Texas. Seriously, President Obama, don’t pull a Lincoln. Simply let the morons secede. Offer a relocation sum to the few sane Texans. That would be cheaper than feeding the Outlaw Jersey Whale for 90 days.

  9. Sandridge says:

    That’s what genuinely ‘LAUGHING YOUR ASS OFF’ looks like.
    He gets it, it’s times like this that I really like President Obama.
    I’ve got many serious differences of opinion on some of his policies, but more and more he’s just taking the (fully justified) attitude of:
    “I don’t give a damn what those fools think anymore, I’m gonna boot ’em in their big butts and elbow their fat chops every chance I can”.

    If only he had done this stuff long ago, he might have gotten more done; these Repuke azzholes only understand chit like this.

    Go git ’em PBO!

  10. Don’t count on it PKM, there are lots of sane Texans they are just outnumbered and in some cases too poor or too intimidated to jump through the hoops to vote.

    Humm… Maybe an exchange program!

  11. Corinne Sabo says:

    Wish I had a T shirt like that.

  12. Jade Helm should announce they are invading Texas, but they’re coming for their school’s textbooks. They’re going to store them in tunnels under Walmart.

    Then, everything would go right back to normal.

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Deb, have you seen what it costs merely to keep the Outlaw Jersey Whale sated in hotdogs during football season? Trust me, we can afford to fly every sane Texan first class to the location of their choice.

    But about your proposal for an exchange program. That has promise. Choose wisely, my friend. I pick: Sam Brownback, Charles Koch, David Koch, Shelly Adelson, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Orin Hatch, and Rick Scott. As five of my picks are nearly dead and 5 have never have been proven as living, may I have another 10 picks?

  14. My only question is this:

    Why in the heck would anybody want this total mess….. known as “Texas”?

  15. I need one of these shirts!

  16. Gramiam says:

    Brilliant, Deb! I have granddaughters and other family I would be delighted to welcome to Arizona in exchange for sending Joe Arpaio to Texas,

  17. Old Fart says:

    But, but, but,

    That would mean we would have to leave *before* we could invade. Right?

    (Ask a stupid question…)

  18. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    We are not taking THAT sheriff. I repeat, we are not taking him.

  19. Miemaw, some of us were born in Texas and love it here. My parents were born somewhere else and moved here. If we deport the “good ones,” how will we ever make things change? There are more of us than you think, we just get outvoted in most counties.

    In a few years, if we can mobilize the unvoting minority voters, we could turn a lot of this around. It would be happening faster if we didn’t have these gerrymandered legislative districts.

    [Stop reading here if you are not interested in Texas redistricting. I’m going to rant a bit.]

    Per the Texas Constitution, Article III, Section 26: “…when any one county has more than sufficient population to be entitled to one or more Representatives, such Representative or Representatives shall be apportioned to such county, and for any surplus of population it may be joined in a Representative District with any other contiguous county or counties.” By reading this, one would think a large county would have several districts within it, and the leftover would be attached to an adjacent district. Just ONE adjacent district.

    That is not what happened in Democratic Travis County for the US Congress Districts. Travis County was broken into 5 districts, none of which are wholly contained in the county. District 10 spreads east until it takes up part of western Harris County (Houston). District 25 goes north to the DFW metroplex. There’s a slice of District 35 that goes into Bexar County (San Antonio). The other major cities have some similar woes.

    The Texas Senate Districts split Travis county into three parts, with one district going to the coast and the Rio Grande Valley and another heading for DFW. The other four major cities in Texas have at least one district wholly enclosed by their borders. Per, “Each district has an ideal 2010 census population of 811,147.” Travis County’s population on the 2010 census was 1,024,266. That was definitely large enough to have one district of its very own and a couple hundred thousand to share with Williamson, Bastrop, or Hays. Currently District 14 is shared with one other county, District 21 with 17 other counties (south), and District 24 with 16 other counties (north and west).

    Only on the Texas House seats are all the districts within Travis County.

  20. Aggieland Liz says:

    We’re not taking any of them; we are going to turn Texas blue dammit.

  21. With apologies to the few Texans I know and love – what makes those nutcases think rest of the country wants Texas?

  22. Thank you SusanF for the info. I was not aware of the law that’s so obviously being broken

  23. @ Sandridge #9, love your comments. Reminds me of Bill Maher saying that Obama has given up trying to work with the GOP and is “just checking things of his f***-it list.”

  24. “Checking things OFF his” list, that should have been.

  25. SusanF… Please don’t be offended by those of us that talk about “Go Ahead Texas And Succeed.” We are just talking “Chit” and it really does get those Tea Bagged Ones a bit ruffled…

    Something many of us dearly love to do…

    Between the recent court decision regarding all of those funny shaped districts and the law you cited, along with all those precious “Brown Babies” starting to reach voting age, we all look forward to the day when “Texas Turns Blue.”

    Honestly… We love you Texas Liberals, and are truly sorry that you have had to suffer at the hands of these Idiots….

  26. austinhatlady says:

    Rant on Sister SusanF!

    And Aggieland Liz, absolutely! I have young god-daughters whose future I want to assure in Texas.

  27. Jill Ann says:

    SusanF, did you read the article about how women have taken over the Austin City Council, and the powers that be organized a seminar on how to deal with women? They said Hillary running for Pres would only embolden more of us, and next thing you know, it’s Wimmin Everywhere!

    I have lived in TX for 30 years but it is draining, sometimes.
