Because That’s The Way They Roll

March 29, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Former Party Chair of the South Carolina Republican Party, Todd Kincannon, says that a drug he’s been taking all month suddenly made him go all nuts and abuse his wife.

His wife says, “Hold on there, cowboy.”

UnknownTodd Kincannon, a Columbia attorney and former executive director of the S.C. Republican Party, has been accused of threatening his wife and refusing to let her out of his car Thursday night, according to a report from the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department.

The officer then spoke with Kincannon’s wife, Ashely Suzanne Griffith, who said that they “have a history of unreported domestic violence.” She said she was “extremely fearful” of Kincannon and described him as being “extremely ‘traditional’ and controlling, thus becoming very upset due to embarrassing him,” according to the report.

She also says that her husband “is very controlling” and has threaten to kill her, her family, and himself in the past.  A Republican man who is very controlling?  I’m shocked, just shocked I tell you.

Kincannon blames the drug Benzonatate for his behavior.  He says that he’s been taking it for a cough since March 5th but this time he chewed it and that caused him to overdose.  He added, “You’d think a guy with my IQ would know better.”  No, Honey, I think exactly the opposite.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Because That’s The Way They Roll”

  1. Old Fart says:

    Two issues:

    Certainly this guy is likely a controlling, always-fearful-and-covering-for-it in-private abuser. He’s a Republican party high mucky muck, correct?

    Second, as a society we aren’t being careful enough to place safety of our medications above profit (ironically because of the type of person mentioned above). If you watch Anthony Bourdaine’s recent “Parts Unknown” episode on Massachusetts, you can get an insight into a problem that has the potential to shred our society.

    Kinda like the current iteration of the GOP…

  2. From WebMD: “Symptoms of (Benzonatate) overdose may include: restlessness, shaking (tremors), seizures, inability to wake up (coma).”

    Doesn’t say anything about being a jerk to your wife.

  3. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    An extremely traditional Republican in South Carolina abuses his wife in order to control her in a Chick-Fil-A parking lot? Cue Claude Rains.

  4. e platypus onion says:

    It isn’t the IQ,it is the inability to access it when in need of critical thinking that is the problem.

    OTOH,wingnut kristians don’t need to think when oppressing their wives. It is inherent in their nature to torture-not nurture.
    How do I know? The bible didn’t tell me so. Prolly the confluence of the blood moon,spring equinox and the first day of spring that loosened a few screws.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Commenting on Todd Kincannon and the other x-tian dominionists like him while trying to stay inbound of the Mama respect isn’t easy. Suffice it to say, dude: “she didn’t make you do it.” What are you a wuss under her control? “Alcohol, drugs, etc, third phase of the moon….”

    No fella, you are another example of the ‘Party of Personal Responsibility’ taking no responsibility for the fact that your jackend actions are the result of the fact that you’re a jackend.

  6. Thanks for the link to the Charleston City Paper article…many more details.

    Also, entertaining to read the comments column in that paper. One restaurant review complained that there were too many men in tight jeans and women reading books. Oh, the horror!

  7. I think a guy with an IQ as high as he thinks his is, would come up with a much better excuse than “I chewed the cough medicine.”

  8. Rick, by now he has totally run out of even tangential reasons for his behavior. The screws have come completely loose and they are about to fall out and reveal the holes. Thats his problem at the moment, but he refuses to believe that it is not his wife’s behavior that is responsible for his. Typical cowardly brute type. With any luck he will lose his position and his license to practice law. Then maybe he can get past denial and find some help. As for Mrs. K., I hope she had the sense to pack up and just plain light out before she becomes a statistic int he coroner’s officer.

  9. Gee, another Republican family values icon taking personal responsibility for his action, NOT!

  10. Corinne Sabo says:

    This is definitely a shocking thing! Anyone not pay their electric bill?

  11. Ole Cough Syrup Addict Todd is a well-known ABUSER and TROLL on Twitter. He has distinguished himself among the lowlifes….truly….

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Ladies, may I offer you a suggestion on how to free yourselves from the rigors of the gymnasium and other self-defense classes? Seriously. For those of you who for whatever personal reasons refrain from the kick or punch to the gohmerts, consider replacing the pepper spray with a purse size baton that can deliver a solid gohmert punch.

    As maggie commented, Mrs. K. deserves better than this wimp of a creep. All ladies deserve better; insist on it!

  13. maryelle says:

    Of course “no charges were filed”. This guy is a domestic abuser and should be charged as such. The “cough syrup made me do it” defense won’t hold up in court.

  14. Maggie is right, of course — the missus needs to get out now while she still can. This kristian bully is only going to get worse and worse, and it’s unfortunate that she refused to press charges. Maybe a little jail time would help with his cough.

  15. Not only did he defend Ray Rice, but take a look at some of his tweets in this article pertaining to his own marriage (chilling).

    If you have the stomach for it, there’s also this:

    Definitely needs professional help.

  16. linda phipps says:

    BTW…if your heavy duty cough medicine doesn’t start working after just 10 days, you need a new prescription for something else. He sounds addicted.

  17. e platypus onion says:

    Aw,Mark you are taking his tweets out of context. He’s rilly a nice guy. Rilly.

  18. e platypus onion says:

    This is funny-something wingnuts need much more of. It also contains some langwidge Momma might not approve of. Reader beware.

  19. Marge Wood says:

    I’m with y’all. I have a nice tough niece who could go over and help that lady pack. Alternative: she could lug around her iron skillet to whomp him with. An old lady I met who used that treatment never got hit again. She swore her husband got meek and mild as a lamb.

  20. Benzonatate looks like a tiny vitamin E pill. It says if you crush it, it could make your mouth and tongue numb and the worst thing would be you might choke. You’d have to seriously overdose to get the symptoms TTPT lists.

    Benzonatate (Tessalon Perles) is not your usual cough suppressant syrup. What this medicine does is actually stop the cough reflex. It’s not recommended when you are actually coughing stuff up (as you might get pneumonia) but it will stop or lighten that cough long enough for you to get some rest and relief. I find it a Godsend.

  21. You know what other drug would work well to modify his behavior? Arsenic.

  22. First few times I saw some re-tweets of his 140 character tomes on twitter, I REALLY thought it was a parody account. No body could be that blatantly stoopid, boorish, and medieval as whoever wrote those tweets. Did I say medieval? Friends, he is pure evil.

  23. I think Todd is headed for the part of the Inferno where you get chewed on by Satan. Right next to Judas. Just add a little ketchup.

  24. UmptyDump says:

    Wife Ashely (interesting spelling, BTW) is a fetching little crumpet. Looks too young to be this guy’s partner, though appearances deceive.

    Unless she wants to end up in a morgue drawer with a tag around her big toe, she needs to get herself far, far away from this maniac. Violence is often progressive if it’s not curbed.

  25. e platypus onion says:

    I am a family values wingnut and my drug of choice accepts full responsibility for what I did,what I do,what I’ve done and what I will do. My dog forgives me. My wife will forgive me or I will kill the nasty,effing bit….er there goes that dang drug of mine always causing me grief.
