Because Nothing Is Too Crazy for Oklahoma

January 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am a fifth generation Texan.  I was pretty near fully grown before I knew that Oklahoma Sucks was two separate words.

So now their state legislature is coming real close to taking the cake.

52ce58d939c8d.preview-300State Rep Sally Kern heard a rumor that some student was suspended for eating his Pop Tart into the shape of a gun.  That’s what she heard and she’s sticking to it.  The fact that it wasn’t in her state and might have happened somewhere in Maryland was not cause for her to shrink from the horror of little children doing what comes naturally.

Oklahoma schoolchildren could not be punished for chewing their breakfast pastries into the shape of a gun under a bill introduced by a Republican legislator.

Rep. Sally Kern said Wednesday that her measure, dubbed the Common Sense Zero Tolerance Act, was in response to school districts’ policies that she believes are too strict or inflexible. She cited a recent Maryland case where a boy was suspended from school for chewing a Pop Tart into the shape of a gun.

Under Kern’s bill, children could bring “small” toy weapons to school which ought to cause some real fun guessing games for other students and teachers.  “Is It Real,” is such fun in the cafeteria line!

Yes, the menace of pop tart art is first and foremost on Ms. Kern’s mind and Oklahomans should sleep better tonight knowing that.

Thanks to Texasmiatafrank for the heads up.

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