Because Jeeesus Hates Them Homosexuals

January 31, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

South Dakota’s state legislature says that the First Amendment gives you the right to express your religious beliefs, even if your religion teaches you to hate people.

Check this out.  There’s a bill that gives you the right to call homosexuals any damn thing you want to in the public square, the workplace, and church.  They can refuse to serve you in a restaurant, wait on you in a store, hire you, or allow you in libraries if they believe you are a homosexual.

imagesAnd if you sue because of it, the judge is required to dismiss the case and fine you for bringing the lawsuit.  They believe in free speech but not the rule of law.

And if the federal government should overrule all this, they will secede.  And, hopefully, take Rick Perry with them.

Customer Mike thinks he’s found where Steve Stockman was during his “gone missing” phase.  He was writing legislation in South Dakota!


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