Because It’s Friday

June 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so this has nothing to do with politics or the cosmetology business.

It has something to do with Holy-crap-and-I-thought-I-was addicted-to-gadgets or Signs-you-have-too-much-money.

It’s a Roomba for your iPad.  Or your iPhone.  And if you’re the thrifty sort, through the miracle of modern science it can do both.

No, no, no.  I am not making this up.  It’s on the Internet.

If you simply don’t have time to clean you iPad, this handy $30 plus tax, shipping, and two double AA batteries will save you hours of spitting on your iPhone screen and wiping it on the back of your pants.

Ain’t science grand?

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0 Comments to “Because It’s Friday”

  1. I’m kind of tempted to purchase one of these…….. for my cat, Alright, i admit it, it would actually be for me, so i could watch my cat attacking it – I think he might like this even more than the little red light. On second thought, my husband is probably right, he’d eat it and I’m guessing that the vet bill would be extravagant.

  2. Marge Wood says:

    Laughing out loud. Right up there with leaf blowers. I aLways say if women want more attention we oughta get wheels and paint ourselves shiny red.

  3. Seriously?!?! Ain’t Capitalism grand???

    Oh, and a mostly clean tail of a t-shirt also works. 😉

  4. There is also one of these type gadgets to clean off your barbecue grill because you’re too lazy to scrape the crud off the grill yourself! I saw it on the teevee, so it must be true!!

  5. Do they no longer make “Windex” and paper towels??

    Just curious.

  6. Hmmm. Roomba for the b-b-q grill? Hey, where’s the drama in that! Listen to this. Guy I know sandblasts buildings. He does the same to his cruddy grill. Just stands it up against something strong, then loads his blaster with finely ground hard corn. Works like a charm!

  7. A Roomba was spotted making a bid for freedom in Kanda Tokyo on Tuesday. There’s even a picture.

  8. It’s the GRILLBOT:

    Much like a Roomba, the Grillbot skitters around its assigned space, cleaning up of its own accord, but unlike a Roomba, it has a trio of steel brushes really blast away at that cooking surface. Powered by a recharable battery back, the Grillbot has two settings, depending on how clean you need to get and how much time you have. And if you want to clean up right after grillin’, the Grillbot can even clean up on a hot surface

    These steely scrubbers aren’t available quite yet, but they’ll be scooting onto the scene sometime this June, just in time for peak grilling season. They retail for $70 for the base model and $100 for the premium, but so far Grillbot’s been tight-lipped on what exactly makes the premium model premium. It’ll have to be something good to justify shelling out that much for something that automates what, for most of us, is such an infrequent chore. But if you’re a serious grill-master, this could be a great addition to the arsenal.

  9. Rubymay says:

    Well, dang it, RA! And here I’ve only been using the tail of my t-shirt to clean my reading glasses. Now I find out it’s a multi-purpose product. What will these capitalists think of next?!?

  10. Deb, if you have an iPad, iPhone, or Android tablet, you can go here and get cat games for them. Ours like Cat Fishing, where fish images swim across the screen and the cats try to grab them.

  11. John Paffel says:

    I gotta have one now! I am tired of havin’ to warsh the bacon grease out a my towel so I can clean my screen. It’s gettin’ spensive.

  12. Marge Wood says:

    Oh, but that was just to get you to go look at the Roombas to clean your floor. They can clean the floor while you lie in bed with the remote control. Now THAT is cool. Think I’ll get one for my husband with my next spare $599 plus shipping and taxes. Ha.
