Because If Donald Trump is Anything, It’s Elegant

April 23, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump Tweet

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You know, the same could be said for Donald Trump’s hair.



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0 Comments to “Because If Donald Trump is Anything, It’s Elegant”

  1. Trump the Chump. Knows nothing but says it all.

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Donald Trump, the aging 4th grade bully and trash talker.

    Dear Donnie, you aren’t elegant OR the President. Get over, it, take some Pilates classes, and close your ugly mouth.

  3. donquijoterocket says:

    @ Elizabeth- all of that and you’d think someone as rich as the donald says he is could afford a higher quality hairpiece.

  4. Has anyone else seen “You’ve Been Trumped,” the story of his destructive Scottish golf course? Fortunately, there’s far more footage of the locals involved. Trump’s taste in everything is garish, gaudy, and tiresome.

  5. As opposed to the elegant Trump-eter, who has been hopping and bobbing in and out of a plethora of bankruptcy and divorce courts in
    such dis-grace.

  6. And…. that’s all he has.

  7. Trump has been sad for a while

  8. Donnie, is this all you have to do? For Pete’s sake, get a job! A real job!

  9. Olden Grey says:

    The ultimate tale of a man’s worth is how many prople miss him when he’s gone. Seriously, how many people outside of his immediate family will miss him?

  10. Aggieland liz says:

    Lord, how many people IN his immediate family will miss him?? Just askin!!

  11. Poor Donald thinks elegant for blacks means walking with your head down and a proper shuffle-gait while elegant for whites means putting your nose in the air and walking like you’ve got a big old stick up your butt.

  12. RepubAnon says:

    You shouldn’t make fun of The Donald’s pet caterpillar (

    Wait – that’s really his hair? How “elegant.”

  13. Ralph Wiggam says:

    He doesn’t have enough money to get a ride on Air Force One and he’s too darned old to hop and bop down the stairs.


  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    *** Mama Warning*** Don’t open this link, it’s Jon Stewart relating Trump’s ‘birth’ name.

  15. daChipster says:

    You just know “hopping and bobbing” is barely concealed code for “shucking and jiving.” You also know that if Trump tried to exit a plane with the same amount of energy and athleticism as Obama that he’d break a hip tumbling down the stairs en route to a gigantic faceplant on the tarmac.

    Hey, Donnie, you know what’s Presidential?

    Being President.

  16. Angelo_Frank says:

    Right on the mark daChipster!

  17. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    The Donald would be correct if the office were Queen of England where the proper way to descend a staircase is to wait for the 4th bar of “God Save the Queen” and then proceed slowly down the staircase in rhythm to the music (and God save any bandleader who thinks this would be good opportunity to display his new uptempo syncopated arrangement because that would lead to a royal decree in the manner of the Queen of Hearts). While descending the staircase it is permissible to use one hand on the railing while the other is to be turned with the back of the hand outward, away from Her Royal Majesty’s majestic presence and make vague gestures of greeting toward the crowd. If the crowd is comprised of young men wearing gangsta duds, the gestures may be omitted lest they be misinterpreted as a sign of disrespect.

  18. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    Admit it Jaunita, you’ve been saving that troll picture just for a Donnie Trump article. Haven’t you?

  19. Hippie in the Holler says:

    The troll doll, the troll doll… I just spit Coke all over the desk.

  20. You know what he really wanted to say…shucking and jiving but his bff already made a splash with that one.

  21. Aghast Independent says:

    So what does Trump think is an elegant example of getting off a plane in Presidential style? Some Republican like stumbling, bumbling, tumbling down Air Force One steps like Jerry Ford??

    I am sure that some of the usual customers at JJ’s Salon remember THAT display of Presidential grace…..

  22. If Trump really has all the money he claims to have, how come he still eats sour grapes?

  23. OK, if no one else will state the obvious, I will. The troll has better hair than Trump. Better style. Better color.

    Looks a lot happier too.

  24. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rick, to complete the list, the troll doll is smarter, too.

  25. Elizabeth2 says:

    Who was it who called him a short-fingered vulgarian? Bullseye.

  26. Marcia in CO says:

    @DaChip … oh, if only what you stated could happen to The Donald … a face plant on the tarmac might actually be an improvement!!
    He just has to keep jumping in, can’t lose out by NOT sticking his nose in everything … he is simply jealous of the fact he will never be President!! Maybe President of the Outhouse Squad … that’s about it!!

  27. TexasEllen says:

    Nothing is more Presidential than being the President on Air Force One. Something that Donald Trump will never experience.

  28. sugarpie says:

    @Elizabeth2. That was from SPY magazine back in the day (well, the late 80’s anyway). I still have the back issues-they’re hilarious to comb through on a rainy day.

    Hard for me to hear anything from Trump without thinking to myself “Oh yeah, Donald Trump, the Short-Fingered Vulgarian.”

  29. Olden Gray at #9 reminds me of this, which I’d say to Trump: “If you want to see how much folks will miss you, put your finger in the creek and then pull it out and look at the hole.”

  30. Mr. Trump is a fine example of what it is like to be rotting from the inside out.

    A word of advise for Mr. T, if you are goin to go through life with a stick up your backside, please change it out now and then, less it make you cranky.
