Because Hungry Cold People Will Always Vote for Plutocracy

November 03, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Fox News has it floored in neutral again.  They are making a lot of noise, wasting a lot of gas, getting no where and looking silly.


Here ya go

The hosts of Fox & Friends on Friday suggested that NBC should postpone a Hurricane Sandy telethon until after the election because making sure that the event did not benefit President Barack Obama was more important than helping storm victims.

No.  Seriously.  They did.

Doocy recalled that during a telethon for 2005 Hurricane Katrina, singer Kayne West had declared that “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.”

“How is NBC going to control what the people say?” the Fox News host wondered.

Bolling noted that NBC had waited for 10 days to host an event to support victims of the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

“It let the city get its feet under itself first,” Bolling insisted. “This just seems like a rush job because the election is going to be three days after that.”

“Is it a hurricane benefit or a concert for Obama?” Doocy added.

“I don’t know,” Bolling replied.

Dude, Ted Nugent is too mentally deranged to do a concert and Clint Eastwood has been taken back to the home.

And, you can’t control what people say.  Cool. huh?   America, Honey.

But the real question is — why doesn’t Fox News do a relief effort fundraiser?  Ya think it’s because they are aware of what stingy jerks their viewers are?

Thanks to Rick for the heads up.

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