Because He’s Got A Washing Machine

May 07, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The big news today is that Trump has some financial dealings worthy of a circus sideshow.

About 10 years ago, suddenly outta nowhere Trump starts spending $400 million in cash to buy some really weird stuff.  Described as the “worst time in Donald Trump’s entire adult life to pay all cash for properties,” the cash buys included golf courses, which are not known for a high return on investment, while interest rates were at an all-time low.

Nobody knows where Trump got this sudden infusion of cash.

Oddly enough, Michael Cohen started working for Trump around this same time.

I think this deal stinks of money laundering.  The question is – who is her doing it for?  I’ll give you two guesses and The Little Sisters of Charity is out of the running.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Because He’s Got A Washing Machine”

  1. Trump is what scumbag developers look at and say ” Now there’s a scumbag!”
    He was sleazy when I followed his career in NY in the 70’s, always getting his name in the papers for dating one model or semi celebrity or another, palling around with Roy Cohn, yes, that same old Roy that was Joe McCarthy’s aid during the great Red Hunt in the 50’s, Rupert Murdoch and Trump’s attorney, where he learned the skills that got him elected to the presidency.
    Trump’s talent is McCarthyism which is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence. You mere;y have to peruse his tweets about the Justice Dept. or the FBI to see the beginnings of the 3rd Red scare tactics in action.
    Trump is McCarthy without the alcoholism, taught at the knee of the man that created the Red Scare of the 50’s, that ruined thousands of lives and began a satin on the honor of the US that we have yet to recover from.

  2. BarbinDC says:

    The only thing I want to know is that Mueller knows all about this and has the goods.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    While Rudy and Donnie are whining about “perjury traps,” they’re failing to see the giant rat trap being rolled into position.

    Watergate: 40 government officials indicted or jailed

    Donniebrook can beat that number!

  4. Ms. GOP went to bed with a dashing rebel and is waking up to the sight of a fat dork with bad hair headed for the door with her purse.

  5. Hey, this is where the Tide came in!

  6. Linda Phipps says:

    Evangelicals support a man who did this …. is that the way they help their families?…/

    God would not anoint someone like that, you churchy people:

  7. Pia Holm says:

    @ Jane & PKM: Donnniebrook? Perfect! I plan to steal that every possible instance.
    @ Rick S: Remember the Bonwit’s friezes? Claiming credit for the Wollman rebuild when all he did was run his mouth?

    Donnie makes money the old-fashioned way: He launders it.

  8. Then there is my personal favorite from the city planning desk:

    If a developer walks in and his mouth is open you know he’s lying.

  9. Old Fart says:

    And where are the legislative branch’s balances in all this?

    Digging cover furiously…

  10. Rick S, Trump is what ***holes look at and say, “Now, THERE’S an ***hole!” And it’s hard to argue.

  11. Larry from Colorado says:

    Methinks the country uses a cyrillic alphabet.

  12. Rhea, I bow to your magnificent statement of the facts!
