Because He Can, That’s Why

November 11, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Attorney General and Governor Wannabe Greg Abbott is always carrying around one of those Come and Take It flags.  He even had a contest on his Facebook page to win ten of them.  I suspect he buys them in bulk.  (Click the little one to get the big one.)


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Well, I think we misunderstood what he means by using that flag.  We thought it had something to do with the battle of Gonzales during the Texas revolution.

Apparently not.  During the historic drought in Texas, Greg Abbott came and took, alright.  He came and took ground water.

With what has been described as the worst drought in recorded history punishing parts of Texas, Attorney General Greg Abbott found a way to keep watering his yard without risking fines or incurring huge monthly bills: He drilled his own well.

Now his lawn is green, and there are no pesky city watering restrictions to worry about.

I will admit he’s not the only stinkin’ rich, self-involved, narcissistic son of a motherless goat in the fancy pants neighborhood he lives in who does this.  Ben Crenshaw and Mack Brown also do it.  But, that don’t make it right.  And they’re not running for Governor.

Yes, digging these wells does impact group water resources negatively.  And yes, in Texas you do own the water under your land.  You also own all the oxygen over your land but if you got a big oxygen sucking machine and put it on your lawn, it’s gonna hurt your neighbor’s oxygen levels.  Same deal here.

Watering livestock is one thing.  Your lawn is another thing.  A whole ‘nother thing.

Gregg Abbott:  He’s gonna Come and Get Your Water.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Because He Can, That’s Why”

  1. Greg Abbott, republican, for Governor
    Shares Our values….
    No food for the takers in our society
    Or water.

    Let them build their own well!

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Interesting article from themudflats about Kory Watkins and Come and Take It. Watkins is a geek. Turn him sideways and stick out his tongue and he’d resemble a zipper. In iowa a person walks into a convenience store with a semi-auto AK and they are probably gonna get hosed down with lead.

  3. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Maybe Kory Watkins & his group of gun bullies should show up at Abbott’s place & intimidate him into sharing that water with his neighbors?

    Abbott is one selfish man. I wonder if he wins (oh, God, please no. Go Wendy!) if he’ll spend millions of taxpayer money on a total renovation to make the Gov Mansion wheelchair accessible throughout?

  4. Lorraine, wondering if Abbott will renovate the Governor’s Mansion is a sucker bet! You KNOW he will do it!

  5. Ahem. Is Abbott aiming the “Come and Take It” flag at the U.S. government and President Obama in particular? Because that strikes me as not patriotic, not to mention edging down the slippery slope to sedition. Let’s face it: those folks in Gonzales were in favor of a revolution. I don’t think elected officials ought to hint that they are in favor of such things.

    Of course, maybe it’s just aimed at Wendy Davis, who hopefully will do just that.

  6. bud malone says:

    I wonder. When Abbott goes to confession, is this a topic to be shared?

  7. bud–Abbott in confession?

    Why, pardner, he’s done nuthin’ wrong; he *owns* that water under his own land, and ain’t nuthin’ wrong with takin’ what’s yourn!

    Besides–what’s “confession”?

  8. OMG. Water rights! I thought we were done with such nonsense! But whadda I know! I grew up around the Great Lakes! As for But Abbott, has he had his own water tested for toxins? So many folks are using an amazing amount of stuff on their lawns and gardens these days and it is getting into the ground water. Wonder what nitrate levels would do to old But. Think he would let us know before a second head pops out next to the incumbent noggin?

  9. e platypus onion says:

    Groundwater is prolly the onliest thing in a nutters world that isn’t toxic,until nutters get done with it.

  10. With rights come responsibilities.

    I am not so sure that he owns the water rights under his “land.” Since his “land” is a lot within the city limits of Austin, and the City of Austin provides him with access to the municipal water system, the City of Austin could probably make a persuasive court case that Abbott and these other selfish, over-paid, malignant lumps of flesh are exploiting an archaic law solely to circumvent the City’s mandatory water restrictions.

    In any case, it shows just what sort of leadership we can expect from Abbott: pretty much what we are used to, or could get from Dewhurst, Patrick, or most of the other malignant lumpenpols who are clamoring for their “right” to lead this state over the edge.

  11. TexasEllen says:

    The Water Wars, currently being fought with New Mexico and Oklahoma in court are damned serious. Greg Abbott is doing his best Marie Antoinette “let them drink Kool-Aid” impression.

  12. Marge Wood says:

    I’m writing a juvenile novel about drought in west Texas and part of it tells about an old man who tries to steal and sell the town’s water. Watch for the SECRET BUZZARD SOCIETY. Actually several places in the usa have had their water taken.

  13. Water rights are going to be an increasing issue with increasing droughts and increasing demand.

    If Abbott thinks that his water withdrawal from the aquifer doesn’t affect anybody else, he must have flunked all his science classes. Just another Publican saying, “I got mine and to **** with you.”

  14. People like Abbott believe that they can walk on water. They are hardly going to concerned about using more than their reasonable share of it.

  15. why does that cannon look more like a probe?
