Because Giving Health Care to People With a Pre-Existing Condition is Just So Wrong

February 01, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


“America was handed a hitch in our getalong yesterday by some damn fool judge in Florida,” Juanita says.  “How come Republicans just all the sudden love activist judges?”

“That damn fool judge just about openly admitted that health care is too complicated for him to understand.  So, instead lf trying to figure it out, he just hollered NO to the whole thing.”

“There are simply too many moving parts … for me to try and dissect out … the able-to-stand-alone from the unable-to-stand alone,” he wrote.

“I can understand that.  Instead of explaining yourself, it’s just easier to say NO, NO, NO,” Juanita says.

“So because his figure-outter is broken, he pees on the campfire and calls it a night,” Juanita explains.  “You know, that’s what made America great:  people who ain’t real bright messing up what the real bright people do,” she says with sarcasm dripping all over the floor.

“Thankfully, one damn fool judge in Florida can’t throw out the nation’s health care.  So, the Republican can quit with hallelujahing because the fat lady hasn’t even put on her hat yet.”

“Damn fool judge,” she mumbles.

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