Because East Texas is So Damn Entertaining

April 08, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know, there ought to be a law against ripping off consumers.

Police in East Texas have arrested a woman after she called them to complain about the quality of the marijuana she had purchased from a dealer.

Lufkin police Sgt. David Casper said Monday that an officer went to the home of 37-year-old Evelyn Hamilton to hear her complaint that the dealer refused to return her money after she objected that the drug was substandard.

Well, who the hell did you expect her to call?  Eric Holder?

But how you know this could only happen in Texas is —

Casper says she pulled the small amount of marijuana from her bra when the officer asked if she still had it.

In Texas, your bra is your storage facility when you do not wish to carry a purse.  Lipstick, money, a candy bar, some Tums, a cell phone, and vast amounts of etc. go in your bra.  I have made actual clanking sounds when removing my bra in the evening.

I know you people from Ohio or Nebraska are asking, “But doesn’t that mean there’s bulges in your upper regions?”  Well, duh.  That’s the whole point.  We don’t need no damn plastic surgery.  And if some fool man complains when you take off your bra, give him the damn candy bar.  That’ll shut him up.

Thanks to Ted for the heads up.

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