Because All Lives Matter
Please meet Katherine Wall. She is in a run-off for the Republican nomination for Texas CD22, my district.
Not only is she a quart low on estrogen, her neurons don’t synapse practically at all.
The order from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has suspended all abortions in the state except in cases of life-threatening pregnancy complications. Texas is one of multiple Republican-led states to take advantage of the coronavirus pandemic to order a halt to abortions, under the guise of freeing up medical resources.
Here’s the scary part, CD22 is an open seat. There’s no incumbent. So, 15 Republicans filed for the seat, including a Bush, and this person rose to the top along with out current sheriff who is a proud graduate of Liberty University and has a boy-crush on Trump.
The district went narrowly Republican in the last election and since nobody knows what’s going to happen this afternoon, much less in November, I’ll keep you up to date about my future congressvarmint.