Because, Admit It!, You Wanted To Know What Rick Perry Could Actually Do For a Living.

January 13, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry has never had a honest-to-goodness real job his entire life.  His entire adult life has been spent on the public dole as a government employee.  And he became a millionaire doing it, which, you must admit, is impressive money management.

So, he recently had to find a damn job.

That was not as hard as you’d suspect for a guy who can’t do diddle squat.  While he was running for governor and then later running for president, a group called MCNA Dental, a Fort Lauderdale-based company, gave him about $57,000.

pension-shocker-rick-perry-is-double-dipping-into-the-texas-state-coffersMCNA Dental — which has contracts with the Texas, Florida and Louisiana Medicaid programs, according to its website — was the top donor to Perry’s presidential bid, which ended in September, donating $37,800 directly to his campaign, according to MCNA Dental also gave $20,000 to Texans for Rick Perry, Perry’s state political action committee, in 2010, according to state records.

So when MCNA needed someone to lobby Florida Governor Rick Scott, guess who they picked?  Rick, of course. Swanky move because this send a double message, “We take care of you now, and we take care of you later.”  Not your teeth, of course – you political and personal money needs.

MCNA wants to let Rick Scott know that here’s a cushy job for him, too, after he leaves office if his state uses their dental program.  The best part is that they never have to say a word.  Slick Rick is there to show it in living color.

Thanks to Brian C for the heads up.

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