Be A Fly On The Wall

May 10, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Now is your chance to be a fly on the wall at a GOP convention in Minnesooota!

Meet Lynne Torgerson – she running for Congress as a Rightwing Republican and has about as much use for the Looneytarians as a screen door on a submarine.

The Convention was overrun by Ron Paul Libertarians. More than 2/3 of the delegates were Ron Paul Libertarians. When I mentioned that we were at a Republican Convention, they laughed out loud.

They began the Convention. There was no opening prayer. Not even a mention of it.

There was also no Pledge of Allegiance to the US flag.

Lynne was then an unwilling witness to such atrocities as flag desecration, clowns,  the Un-Pledge of Allegiance, time limits, speech cutting, people who are pro gay rights, and no praying, by gawd!

She was gracious to share this –

I recently read an article in Mother Jones. It reported that the Libertarians did a study and concluded that given its form of government, that the State of New Hampshire would be the easiest State in the Union to take over. Then, 14,000 Libertarians moved to New Hampshire. It appears that a similar strategy is being employed in Minneapolis, and the State of Minnesota.

So, if you see anybody driving along in a Beverly Hillbillies truck reading Ayn Rand, odds are pretty good that they are heading to Minnesooota to just ruin Lynne Torgerson’s life.

By the way, her website is a smorgasbord of hilarity.

Thanks to MaryK for the heads-up.

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