Baseball Talk
I try real hard not to bore you guys with baseball talk too much.
Oh Sweet Jesus in glorious heaven above, the Astros won the pennant.
Ole Bubba and I went to over 50 Astros games this year, thanks to the block weeknight game buys where tickets with you-get-what-you-get seating cost as low as $7 a seat. We drive an hour into Houston, park, and then ride the train to the game. Then we drive an hour back home discussing every play.
We love these guys.
Some of my friends tell me that baseball is too slow and boring. No, baseball is thoughtful. Baseball is mathematics combined with psychology and a whole bunch of art. It’s knowing when to call a double steal or knowing when a triple is a good risk.
I love this game. I also love this particular team of guys who play for the joy of the game. I think every Democrat should root for the Astros – our team owner is a Democrat, the city hasn’t has a Republican mayor since 1973, and we are named after the most honorable Texan ever.
Baseball fans everywhere will appreciate my favorite sign from the game last night.
Hey, Joe Buck, kiss my big Astro-orange butt.
We will be watching the World Series from home. I am donating the cost of one ticket to the Juanita Jean / Glen Maxey ballot by mail program. (Yeah, that’s coming up!)
So, watch along with me next week. Trust me, you’ll love it.