Baptist Can Buy Whiskey on Sunday! State Budget Problems Solved

January 20, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita says you have to give Republicans their due.  They have come up with some rather creative ways to solved Texas’ budget shortfall:  (1) drop the senior year of high school because if you haven’t learned it by then, it highly likely you ain’t learning it, (2)  fire 100,000 teachers because what this state really needs is more unemployment and ignorance, (3) close the state mental hospitals because there ain’t no crazy like Texas-crazy, (4) turn Lufkin into a giant casino/brothel dance hall, and lastly and most promising as far as raising some real money  (5) let Baptist buy whiskey on Sundays.

“There is a certain charm to this idea,” Juanita says.  “Letting us watch The Steeple People Republicans have to decide on whether to raise taxes or encourage drunkenness might be a sight to behold.”

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