Bacon! Freedom! Same Deal.

September 16, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Bryan Fischer, bless his heart, is so ignorant that we should probably water him once a month.

“You want one single item of proof that America is a Christian nation and not a Jewish nation and not an Islamic nation?” he asked. “One single bit of proof is all you need: we freely allow restaurants and grocery stores to sell and to serve bacon. That can only happen in a Christian country.”

You don’t believe that he really said that, do you?  Watch and learn.

Thanks to Brian for the head up.

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0 Comments to “Bacon! Freedom! Same Deal.”

  1. Leaving aside that Jesus, as he is depicted in the fictionalized biographies called “Gospels,” would himself have never eaten pork as he was an observant Jew, bacon consumption can ONLY happen in a Christian nation

    OR a Shinto nation
    OR a secular nation
    OR a tolerant nation
    OR a Communist nation
    OR a nation of pig farmers
    OR the land of non-vegetarian Buddhists

    OR…. Israel.

    Yes, Israel. Home to Jews and Muslims, mostly, with enough Christians and tourists with a hankering for a BLT to maintain demand.

    Bacon’s not a sign of Christianity. It’s a sign of civilization.

  2. And that, dear friends is the major difference between Christians, Jews and Muslims: the ability to eat and serve bacon.
    Not anything regarding religious beliefs, philosophy or culture. Just fried pork. And it’s been staring us in the face all these years. A big thank you to Mr. Fischer for simplifying it for us.
    I guess it took a bacon-loving simpleton to do that.

  3. I’m pretty sure that could also happen in an atheist nation.

  4. Yet more evidence that the radical right makes up their mind first and then “finds” the “proof” to support it afterwards.

  5. Bryan Fischer has bacon for brains. This moron has now attained the Event Horizon of stupidity.

  6. I don’t WANT to believe that anybody would say something that stupid, but I ceased to be surprised by stupidity some years back. LynnN beat me to it, but now I’m wondering if Bill Maher eats bacon. It’s a better use of my time to wonder about that than to wonder how stupid it’s going to get out there.

  7. Georgetown blue says:

    I guess that makes China the biggest Christian nation in the world, because it is the largest consumer of pork. Yep, LynnN, you’re right–they speak the stupid and then dream up the reasoning.

  8. So, Bryan, what’s your doctrine on turkey bacon? Divine creation or abomination?

  9. Lorraine in Spring says:


    Bryan Fischer – The other white meat.

  10. As pointed out jesus was a jew and would not eat pork & it was so obviously wrong that he did not point it out. But the OT says no eat da pig & jesus said to obey the law of moses. So eating pork in a xtian nation is a sign of all the xtian hypocrisy that abounds thru out.

  11. Elise Von Holten says:

    We are not dietary observant Jews, bacon and carnitas are eaten in our home…but this guy is nuts. The first Christians debated strenuously about if they should let non-Jews be Christian, or make them convert to Judaism first…if we had a total meltdown and had to deal with getting our own food, pork would be one of the first things we would stop eating…pigs running around eating garbage and all kinds of nasty stuff is a lot different than the hogs a distant cousin raised with grain as their main food source. The diseases that pigs carry would knock them off the food list immediately…but for now…we light candles for Sabbath and do not to eat BLT’s on Saturdays!

  12. I wish “painfully stupid” were literally true because I don’t want to be the only one suffering here.

  13. MMMMM, got me some hungries for Canadian bacon!

  14. Do Democrats ever say anything this stupid? Or even sort of stupid. I don’t hear of anything, but I don’t watch or read any right-leaning news.
    Please let me know if you know of any Dems that shame themselves like this. I want to talk to my lovely, loving sister about why she supports Republicans and I don’t want to be broadsided. Besides I’m curious as to why this sort of thing is so one-sided. It baffles.

  15. And the American Christian Inquisition begins …

    “You have been arrested because members of the community have informed us that you do not eat bacon.

    “Do you eat bacon? Or do you confess that you do not eat bacon?

    “You do?? You lie!!”

    “You do not?? You insult The Almighty!!”

    “You refuse to answer?? We shall take that as evidence of your evil ways!!”

    “Tie this impious wretch to the rack and turn the crank until he splits apart! When his guts spill out, it shall truly be revealed that he is a non-Christian, non-bacon eating pagan!”

  16. And as for me, I would guess I am the ultimate pork consumer! Recently had an AVR (aortic valve replacement). The valve doner was a very fine example of hogdom. I only hope that now Porky doesn’t do his “tha… tha… thats all folks!” routine.

    Someone once said that man is the only creature that would starve to death in a land of plenty!

  17. Esse and Lorraine, you made me laugh out loud when I wanted to freak…..turkey bacon in deed……

  18. The Jewish doctor I used to work for ate BLTs when he was eating lunch somewhere besides home. And my Muslim friend won’t eat pork. I said, “You drink alcohol; why won’t you eat pork?” She said “Well, you have to draw the line SOMEWHERE.”

  19. Let’s cut a raster out of his pork butt.

  20. And there it is!!!

    A succinct explanation that Jesus was NEVER A CHRISTIAN!!! ‘Cause he sure as heck NEVER ate bacon, because he was a fine, upstanding JEW!

    So the next time some christo-fascist starts going off on the evils of non-pork eaters, tell ’em: Jesus wouldn’t eat bacon….

  21. My thought was “It’s legal to sell pornography, bikinis, sex toys, books touting atheism, Islam, Buddism, and several varieties of paganism, alcohol, tobacco, short skirts, piercings…does THAT make it a Christian nation?”

    Bacon. Dear Aunt Sally’s left little toe. Atheists eat bacon (I know some who do). Wiccans may or may not eat bacon because some of them are vegetarians. but the omnivorous wiccans eat bacon because I’ve had breakfast with them while they were doing so. And some Christians are vegetarians so they don’t eat bacon either. (And some avoid processed meat, poor things.)

    This is what comes of bad schools. These people are so ignorant.

  22. @Lorraine, Thanks for the first laugh of the morning. We sell all sorts of products (thanks @Elizabeth) that are forbidden or distasteful to some or all of our citizens because our Constitution protects the right of most people to go about their business–even when the business is pork bellies.

  23. So the next time someone brings up WWJD:

    NOT eat bacon…..
