Back to the Oven, Aunt Bea. This Is All Half Baked.

February 17, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Maybe it’s just me, but every time I see a photo of a politician with his sport’s jacket tossed over his shoulder all I can think is, “Hummm … they couldn’t find one of you actually working, huh?”

Please meet James White.  He represents East Texas in the Texas House of Representatives.  He’s a conservative Republican.  But, that’s really not fair.  It’s kinda like saying that chipolte is a spice.  It is a spice, but I wouldn’t sprinkle it on your food like salt.

Same deal with James.  He’s kinda the chipolte of conservatism.  He’s way on out there.

James came up with some ideas lately.  He worries a lot about Washington.  So he files  HB 568: The Texas Self Sufficiency Act.

The Texas Self-Sufficiency Act creates a select committee to evaluate the effects of a possible reduction in or elimination of federal funding on the state budget due to federal fiscal policy.

Texans must govern Texas and Texans need to be concerned about Texas.”

(Pssssttt… over here.  He’s talking about secession.)

And James is not going to leave us unprotected from the United Nations troops either.  He’s got a plan for that, too.

A proposed law would allow school districts the choice to offer a high school elective course on firearm safety, training and history. Filed by state Rep. James White (R-Hillister), a former high school teacher and football coach, HB 1142 would include training in the use of firearms including rifles, shotguns, pistols and revolvers.

It’s kinda like machine shop with live ammo.  What could possibly go wrong?  Well, whatever it might be, James has almost thought this through.  He says our kids are ready for it because James is a former high school football coach and knows all about these things.

“You could go to any high school today and you’ll see them engaging in many what we would consider probably dangerous activities: Welding, auto mechanic, weight lifting, playing sports.

Yes, and you could wipe out an entire classroom with a properly thrown football or be killed by a  drive-by welding.  Yes, and innocent bystander is the main word you hear when you hear about semi-tragic weight lifting accidents.

Yes, James is black man.  In East Texas.

I swear it’s something in the water.

Thanks to Kathleen and Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Back to the Oven, Aunt Bea. This Is All Half Baked.”

  1. Face, meet palm. No kidding: where do you FIND these people???

  2. All you have to do is look around at how well people manage with their high school math, science, and literature classes. High school Target Practice probably won’t be much better. If James expects his crack high school troops, and high school trained troops to protect Texas from an imaginary UN army, he better come up with something else. All the UN would have to do is shout at the Texan High School Brigade, “quick, what’s 7 times 8 plus 4? and there’d be mass confusion on the battlefield.

  3. Corinne Sabo says:

    Got to watch out for slung 100 lb weights from the weight room…..

  4. Rick — Excellent, just excellent!

  5. TexasEllen says:

    Lord help us. The need for water filtration and purification has reached critical levels in East Texas.

  6. Rick ~ Love the way your mind works!

    JJ’s ‘beloved’ Texas Senator Cruise was put under the ‘blue light special’ by the NYTimes yesterday.

    NYTimes: “Ted Cruz Runs Counter to the Senate’s Courtly Ways” [ ]

    Top ‘Reader Recommended’ comments are great.

  7. NYTimes comment (Recommended 503 times):

    Sen. Cruz has an obviously fine education, yet he seems determined not to use it. Rather, like so many other extremists, he ruts around in the muck of fear, bigotry and hate. His reptilian brain stem seems to have won control of his thought process.To paraphrase a wonderful saying, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste”..

  8. I did read the NY Times story on our “beloved” Senator Cruz, Moms Hugs…. I was amazed at the support Cruz received from the comment section – in the NY Times no less. Lots of crazy folks in this country.

  9. I read only a few that supported Cruz – most did not. Most were the usual GOP bots. Heritage & American Enterprise Institutes must pay pretty well to swarm/reply everywhere. They’ve gotten so bad, there’s no reason to even read comments on sites that are not moderated.

  10. Somebody please enlighten me.

    What is the legal age for people to buy, and own a fire arm in the Great State of Perpetual Confusion…. aka Texas?

    Where we now have after-school fist fights on the play grounds….. we could have after school gun fights?

    I never knew anybody in home-ec…. who got killed by an overbaked popover.

    Lord A Mercy.

  11. Well,
    Maybe had Coach James had a course like the one he is proposing, he’d stop shooting himself in the foot.

  12. Well although I’m sure this fellow is going about it for all the wrong reasons, I dearly would like to see a few of these unReconstructed areasdo a cost benefit anal

  13. Damn cell phone! Cost benefit analysis of the actual real world results of a divorce from the US. In fact, that oft quoted statistic of the anti-government states being the most dependent on federal largesse should be quantified, qualified, branded onto a sharpened baseball bat and driven thru the hearts of these tax vampires and oxygen thieves.

  14. Progress in small things: It’s an elective course. I am frankly surprised.
