
June 22, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so apparently all good things come in threes.

Apparently, Texas does not have enough damn fools in the presidential race to form a triumvirate.

We have a guy making his second bid who thinks that a guy can take a gun into a church and accidentally murder nine people.  We have another guy who makes is so nuts that even his friends think he’s a little nuts.  What’s lacking?

Louie Gohmert.

That’s what.

First he says he will and then he says he won’t.

“Ted is a good friend and would be an outstanding President; however, I haven’t ruled out an exploratory committee myself,” Gohmert said in a statement emailed to The Hill from a spokeswoman.

Okay, guys, it’s up to us to get Louie in this race.  We’re not having near enough fun yet.

Urge Louie to run, dammit!  Texas deserves it.

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