Awww, Dude, That’s Just Sick

June 05, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We have laws against that crap in Texas.  Section 54.040 of the Texas Family Code.  It’s called Desecrating A Corpse.

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0 Comments to “Awww, Dude, That’s Just Sick”

  1. You didn’t get this RT on your Tweety?

    RT @ScottKWalker Let’s win one for the Gipper! / “Where free unions & collective bargaining are forbidden, Freedom is Lost” -Reagan ‪#WIunion

  2. Bananas says:


    Fingers crossed he is toast, and the clay fish too

  3. If memory serves, Reagan was the President of the Screen actors guild – a union.
    Sounds like despiration to me.
    Turnout breaking records according to reports, looking forward to the results but suspect they won’t be there tonight.

  4. Grand Kludd says:

    That movie they keep referencing was a total crock. The guy who supposedly said, “Win one for the Gipper” was a crud and Knute Rockne just made the whole thing up when he needed a win. As they say in the Mafia, “Scott Walker should sleep with the fishes.”

  5. BarbinDC says:

    Bat Guano! Bat Guano! Bat Guano! (I’m sure daChipster will be much more articulate)

  6. What the heck happened? Walker walked away with this recall election … I feel so, so sorry for the folks in WI who really wanted him GONE! I truly hope this is not an indication of what might happen in November … scares the holy beJesus out of me to think Mitt might make it in … makes my ole tummy go into knots!!

  7. They couldn’t make Walker walk, but the polls they took of voters had President Obama way ahead of the Mitt. It seems some Democrats in Wisconsin did not think it was right to recall an elected governor under the circumstances. I’ve heard that position expressed a few times on the intertubes. If the Wisconsin laws allow recalls, which I think is a good law, people should be able to do it. I wish we had such a law in Texas.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    Which circumstances was it that made it bad to recall Scott Walker, a crook? Shame on Wisconsin. Of course that never stopped any other guvners or presidents for that matter. Aargh. i betcha there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth in Wisconsin today. Remember the bazillion dollar campaign starting today funded by the Koch brothers and all their brethren. The next six months is gonna be a lot of work.

  9. Marge Wood says:

    Take a look at this:
    The Quiet Coup d’Etat
    By Robert Reich, Robert Reich’s Blog
    05 June 12

    Mainly now, exactly what is it we are gonna DO?

  10. Gramiam says:

    Walker may not be gone, folks, but he is now toothless! The Dems took over the WI Senate last night! That’s right, The Majority leader is now a Democrat. Walker’s “reforms” are dead in the water! I call that a win!

  11. Cheryl Ann says:

    See you can buy an election! I am VERY happy to see the Dems took over the Senate in Wisconsin, that should calm things down a bit.

  12. san fraser says:

    Reagan tripled the debt, supported apartheid, crushed worker rights, traded arms for hostages – backed death squads. but was SUCH a nice guy – who better to cite as an example for the movie fantasy of America. For real life, it seems we should look a little farther – without the film on the eyes.

  13. @Marge Wood: I just read Reich’s blog and it brought to mind several intrigue books I read – written in the time between the decline of the communist threat and the Muslim terrorists. They were about powerful, rich men in conspiracies to take over and control those that ran the government. They were good books, but I couldn’t see how that sort of thing could happen.
    Looks like they are here!

  14. Marge Wood says:

    Hi Jan, lots of things here amaze me. Remember when we were little we all heard over and over how evil the Nazis were for torturing people and how we would never ever do such a wicked thing. Remember that? And remember how big companies used to brag about jobs for America and making stuff right and all that? I remember a lot of things. I don’t want to go back to 1940 but there is such a thing as throwing out the baby with the bath water. I hope somebody(s) writing novels, good ones of course, about corruption in government now and about multinationals taking jobs overseas and using our resources without caring about how it affects everyone. And nobody much is paying attention to ALEC and their goal to privatize public education and turn it into a for profit enterprise. Would you believe anyone who said that? You’d think they were crazy, right? Hmm. Y’all stir things up in Houston, okay?

  15. Marge Wood says:

    and san fraser, and everyone, you might like to read DRIFT by Rachel Maddow. Good book, easy to read.
