Audit? Trump Barely Knows Audit. They Briefly Met Once and Posed For Pictures But That’s All. He Never Had Relations With That Audit.

December 21, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh dear.

Not only was there never an audit by the IRS while Trump was running for president, it’s even worse than that.

There is a mandatory audit of the president and vice president.  And there was none done and nobody seems to know why.

A key takeaway from Democrats is that the IRS mandatory presidential audit of Trump taxes was not followed. They said the IRS began the audit once Chairman Neal inquired in April 2019 about Trump’s returns. The audits of the requested returns were never completed.

Ho boy, I have some questions for Steven Mnuchin.

How come enemies of Trump, and off the top of my head I think of James Comey and Andrew McCabe, get audited but Trump never did? How’s that happen, Mnuchin? Dude, this stinks like fried gym socks.

They say they will put his returns online. This ought to be interesting.


0 Comments to “Audit? Trump Barely Knows Audit. They Briefly Met Once and Posed For Pictures But That’s All. He Never Had Relations With That Audit.”

  1. Sounds like someone at the IRS got paid under the table.

  2. I found Steve Mnuchin (and his wife) ultra creepy!! Yuck!

  3. Grandma Ada says:

    The T#$&p tentacles reached everywhere – you might almost call it organized crime! He was a crook, crooks worked for him, we had a government full of crooks – by golly it was organized crime!

  4. Steve blew it for me when he tried to finagle a government airplane for their European honeymoon. (The government plane would have all that secret communication gear if an emergency came up.) That said, I’m downright embarrassed for them in this picture.

  5. The etymology of the word “privilege” tells you all you need to know.

  6. What Don the Con Trump is a crook. I’m shocked I tell you,Just shocked.
    Why he is not in jail already is really shocking.And its not like the GOP is going to look into it. That would be be new for them.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    That picture of Mnuchin and his wife above is the look of deviousness. I’m not sure which of them looks the most devious. He lied as the CEO of a bank which of course made him perfect for the man in charge of the country’s money for trumpf.

  8. thatotherjean says:

    The Trump administration was corrupt from top to bottom, for the whole four years he was president. We still haven’t succeeded in rooting out all the corruption: Louis DeJoy is still Postmaster General, because Biden can’t fire him–he has to be removed by the Postal board, and they still favor him. And he’s just the most glaring corrupt holdover. The rest are pretty well dug in. They all need to be gone.

  9. Official and unofficial paperwork .

  10. John from Lake Oswego says:

    Audit Mnuchin!

  11. Lest we forget, Trump’s hand-picked IRS Commissioner, Charles Rettig, earned as much as $1 million in rental income from the Trump-branded properties he co-owns. Truly, it’s crooks all the way down.

  12. AlanInAustin ... says:

    The thing that really annoys me about all this is that there will never be any prosecution and without prosecution the law is meaningless.

  13. Hey! No surprise! Remember, the Attorney General was HIS lawyer. Same thing for the IRS.

  14. Keep asking the questions as only YOU can, Ms. JJ. With your permission would be happy to pass them along to our Nevaduh Democratic Senators. 😉 They’d feel neglected if not contacted monthly. Howevuh. If widdle Stevie Munchkin is hauled before a Senate committee, please, please, please let it be VP Harris who interrogates him. He still owes her from her time as CA Attorney General. Would L.O.V.E. watching her drag that payment out of his butt. Or, in the course of due process what says THE Marvelous Mark Bankston, Esq. about dropping the RICO Act on TFG and his criminal associates to speed up the process?

  15. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Don’t know if any of you watch American Greed on CNBC, but seems like trumpf, family and his administration characters could be a whole season of episodes.

  16. Harry Eagar says:

    Caption contest!

    My entry:

    How much did my younger, prettier wife cost? Let me show you.

  17. I think Mrs. M would benefit in more way than one to a makeover at TWMDBS!
    That girl needs some image advice, for instance: a) don’t let your hair go all stringy, b) try to look your age, or at least like an adult, and c) take off the black gloves before the photograph. You are giving off an Adams Family vibe there.

  18. Nica Brian says:

    Now it will be “Auditor? I barely knew her”
