As The Tables Turn

May 11, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Karma is a witch.

And that’s the truth.

House Republicans admit they won in 2010 because they scared the ever-livin’ crapola out of people over social security and Medicare.  They hung Democrats out to dry over $500 billion in cuts to Medicare, which went mainly to private insurers for over-payments.

And now they want to turn the tables and take a mulligan.

Nearly a dozen House Republican freshmen held a press conference outside the Capitol Tuesday morning to “wipe the slate clean,” and “hit the reset button.”

The Republicans held a press conference to tout a letter they sent to President Obama.

“We ask that you stand above partisanship, condemn the disingenuous attacks and work with this Congress to reform spending on entitlement programs,” the letter reads.

To preempt the press conference, the DCCC responded to the letter with a long list of NRCC and candidate attack ads and statements from the 2010 election — all of them targeting Democrats for cutting Medicare, all on behalf of GOP candidates who are now hoping for a truce on Medicare attacks.

So now that they want to truly and harmfully cut Medicare, they want to be born again virgins over attack ads.

They want us to forgive and forget?

Oh no.  Not this hacked-off chick with absolutely no long term memory problems.

One other thing:  in that 4 page letter they sent the President, they ask him to condemn any “disingenuous attacks” on them.  Oh, I get it!  You mean like if someone says they’re Muslims or weren’t born in this country or they’re a socialist …..

Yeah, I get it.

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