As Promised Last Year
Last October I promised you that there was going to be a demonstration on the first day of classes at the University of Texas over having open carry on campus.
The protest was 5,000 miscellaneous sex toys carried around on campus by women protesting guns on campus. It was called “cocks, not glocks.” That’s pretty damn funny, right?
More than one person suggested that I was at the protest because I only posted once yesterday. To be honest, I plum forgot about it. Plus, I had to take Momma shopping yesterday because she was making me crazy with the “You think I’m 92 years old and don’t need things. I need things!” daily reminder.
So, I missed the rally.
While Momma was picking out her fall makeup shades, I get a text message from my friend The Judge. She’s not a judge now but she used to be for a long time.
The Judge: We should be at the sex toy protest.
Me: Why would we protest sex toys?
The Judge: No, stoopid. UT. Handguns. Sex Toys instead.
Me: Damn. I wanted to be there for the opening ceremonies to throw out the first dildo.
The Judge: I think we can still make it for the closing ceremonies.
Momma: Missy, put that phone away right now. What could be so important?
Y’all, I came this close to telling her. I didn’t, but only because I didn’t want to drive home with my purse up my behind.