As Bad as It Gets

June 22, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Sumbitches


“To find a man’s true character, play golf with him.”

–P.G. Wodehouse, English writer

This saying is more true than almost any other.  A guy who cheats at golf or is an ass on the golf course is and cheater and an ass at life.  I’ve seen it a dozen times.  Well, here’s another example of just what an ass Trump is.  He was recently videoed DRIVING A GOLF CART ON THE GREEN at his club in Bedminster.  If you are a non-golfer, the ONE THING you NEVER do is drive even close to the green, much less on it.  Doing so shows huge disrespect for the course, the game, and your fellow golfers, not to mention the poor greenskeepers who have to repair the damage. It’s a good way to get ejected from a golf course, but I guess not your own.

Here you go, you can watch with own eyes:

Props to News & Guts

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0 Comments to “As Bad as It Gets”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Just when we thought it was bad that Donnie had to trail European leaders in his golf cart because he was too lazy and out of shape to walk a few meters, Dolt45 crassly cruises across a putting green displaying he’s incapable of walking a few centimeters.

    Keep feeding him those Slovenian biscuits, Messy. We may learn to like you, if you rid us of Donnie faster than Congress should.

  2. slipstream says:

    The horror!

  3. “Anything I do is automatically right.”

    And he’s president of the United States. Somebody wake me up from this nightmare….

  4. Irish in S.C. says:

    I’m 83 now and 70 years ago at 13 I was a caddy and for, at least, 100 years before that you did not even walk on the green until you absolutely had to. That was respect for the other players, the tenders, and the game

  5. lumpkin says:

    Is there a single loathsome quality that this worthless bag of rodent hair does not display? Not that I can think of.

  6. He lies, and pays others to lie.

    He’s old, and thoughtless.

    Likely sick.

  7. That Other Jean says:

    Damn. The man has no sense, no class, and no consideration for others. But we knew that already.

  8. My brother-in-law from New York has a very close friend who has golfed with Trump a few times. Every time, Trump shaved 5 to 6 strokes off his scorecard in order to win.

  9. Did you get the attempted fist bump near the end? Or was he showing off his Super Saudi-Soviet Decoder Ring? I couldn’t really tell.

    Class. Pure class.

  10. As a Scouter I presented a number of boys the Golf and Sports merit badges. “Character” is part of every Scouting merit badge but none more so imo than these two badges. Inevitably a parent would repeat the thought “I want my boys to participate in sports because sports build character”. No I told them, sports reveal character. I didn’t read PG Wodehouse until years after my youngest turned 18.

    So, Yes, if you want to really know a person, play a sport against them. Golf, with its self-refereeing might be the best sport, but soccer, baseball, tennis and monkey basketball all reveal much too much about another in a compressed period of time.

  11. That Other Jean says:

    Is it wrong of me to hope that the more honorable members of Trump’s golf clubs see this story and decide that membership in a club owned by Donald Trump has suddenly become too expensive?

  12. Tilphousia says:

    Traitor trump is a gross, morbidly obese, demented sociopath. Those are his good points. Ops! I forgot pathological liar.

  13. And, does he go through the guys on the green They seem to scatter. Another indication of dementia? On top,of the arrogance and cheating, of course.

  14. OK. I have a set of golf clubs and have tried valiantly to learn the game. However, it turns out that like a lot of other things in life I just don’t have the time. Or the money for some of these fancy shmancy golf courses. And therein lies the core of that trip across the green in a motorized vehicle. He has the $$ and thoroughly believes it fixes everything. Well, everything but the loss of your immortal soul.

  15. maryelle says:

    Quelle surprise! The ultimate narcissist cares not that he’s damaging the greens and cheats to win. Just another day in the life of an egotistical fool.

  16. AliceBeth says:

    I saw a comment elsewhere that he was not really on the green but the apron which surrounds it. HE WAS ON THE DAMN GREEN. Is there anything this man respects except his money, his publicity and his own face????

  17. Jane & PKM says:

    lumpkin, “worthless bag of rodent hair.” I have a sudden urge to find a bag of rodent hair. Unlike Donnie, it might have actual value. Store a few bags in the barn. Who knows? That rodent hair might have more purchasing power than the American dollar after a few more weeks of this incredibly incompetent administration.

    AliceBeth, I seriously doubt that Donnie respects his own face. Or, as lumpkinn alluded, why would he wear that rodent hair above his face? Seriously. It speaks volumes about a silly person surrounded by yes men who lack the gumption to tell the twitter toddler that his ‘hair’ is a bad joke.

  18. Jane & PKM says:

    Honor thy Mother taken to extreme by Dolt45:

    Eery, eh?

  19. weakgrip says:

    It’s okay. He was just schlepping a putter for Sergei.

  20. The president of the company where I worked for years was a good golfer, who could still par into his 70’s. He knew many of the famous golfers at the time, and said he worst thing a golfer could do was cheat and/or act disrespectful while playing or in the clubhouse. If a young man that he played with cheated or acted disrespectful, he would give them the strong lesson. Also, he would not do business with anyone who cheated, as he said it probably meant they would cheat on everything.

  21. june, I believe we know Trump cheats on wives, taxes, and business deals so golf is a given.

  22. Jane & PKM says:

    Partay anyone? It’s the weekend. Mrs. B. is away from the keyboard and Mama is safely duct taped in the closet. (not really, I wouldn’t begin to dare to duct tape Mama and imagine her response, or flatter myself that I could outrun Mama and her bar of soap.)

    Remember the last party? Good. If not, just please accept that there will be NO penguins. And, ladies, please. Try to be respectful of the Cabana boys.

    To launch the festivities, Mark Fiore suggests we begin with a little Jughead Kushner basketball featuring the little weasel’s head.

    I’d suggest something along the lines of miniature golf using Jughead’s miniature little balls, but I doubt there’s a version of miniature marbles that small.

    Where are Micr, EPO, daChipster and the usual suspects? We need snacks and the Margarita Machine to start the games.

    Maybe a betting pool? Odds favoring Donnie having a massive heat stroke on one of his golf courses this weekend and the only doctor available being that fool that wrote his last doctor’s note. What’s his name; aka Jacob Bornstein. Place your bets: I’m giving 50:1 odds that Donnie’s fat butt tips over his golf cart.

  23. Jane & PKM says:

    Wonkette offers a really good game: Dinesh D’Souza really is that stupid.

    Tire of dissecting Dinesh, fill in the name of the next snacilbupeR really that st00pid.

  24. Jane & PKM says:

    Today’s winner in the “Donnie Sure Can Pick ’em Contest” is Kris Korbach for $1000.

  25. maryelle says:

    I remember the last time J.J. went on vacation. Things got out of hand and we didn’t get the salon cleaned up in time. She who must be obeyed was not pleased.
    I nominate William Bradford, Trump’s nominee for Office of Indian Energy and Policy.

  26. Jane & PKM says:

    maryelle, ahem, clearing my throat, as a gentleman (most of the time) I won’t recall your escapades at the last party. And, for a small fee, maybe the Cabana boys won’t snitch you out either.

    William Bradford. That name sounds rather white bread. Then your link reveals ol’ Billy boy is a bit of a goat and probably a goat molester. Your link also revealed his twitter st00pid.

    I know Donnie loves him some Andy Jackson, but really despite his worst efforts Andy failed to completely eliminate our First Nations. Call me obvious, but shouldn’t an appointment to the Office of Indian Energy and Policy be a member of our First nations?

    While we are on the topic Office of Indian … isn’t it time our govt gets with the reality that words such as Indian and Washington Redskins are offensive to our first citizens?

  27. His most obstinant followers way out in the countryside will never know of this. No real newspapers of any kind, no broad band, etc. Just like all the **ap he pulls, they are insulated from it simply via isolation. And if they did hear about the Great Golf Green caper, they would to be able to visualize it. Golf? Green? Country club? What the hell is all that? And they march on.

  28. maryelle says:

    PKM, that was Rhea. I didn’t touch any of the margaritas, but it’s good to know that you are a gentleman should I slip in the future.

  29. Oh boy, finally. I ride dressage (not on the expensive horses like Anne Romney) but for fun. It is SO inside baseball that I rarely admit it in polite company. When I read that Agent Orange had driven across a putting green, I’m thinking,er what? What does this even mean? Now I know you have to know something about golf to shake with the proper degree of outrage. Well, folks,since this thunderbolt of information about which I was clueless I’m out and proud about being a dressage rider. If people can get this excited about a putting green, let me explain transitions to you.

  30. Jane & PKM says:

    Mary Beth, super cool! Dressage requires a tremendous set of skills and athleticism. When it comes to horses, I’m one of those guys you were warned about in Ya Got Trouble from the musical Music Man. “Hearin’ him tell about horse-race gamblin’.
    Not a wholesome trottin’ race, no!
    But a race where they set down right on the horse!
    Like to see some stuck-up jockey’boy
    Sittin’ on Dan Patch? Make your blood boil?
    Well, I should say.” Or, as the song goes on to say, the difference between pool and billiards. Must confess to “shooting pool,” too. Any redemption for my reputation for shooting a little golf now and again? Albeit usually at gunpoint and the behest of my parents & granddad, when they’re shy of one for a foursome.

    maryelle, all I “know” is that all of the ladies comported themselves as ladies. 😉

  31. Lunargent says:

    Maybe Trump keeps doing these things because he enjoys the compliments.

    Every time he acts like this, he keeps hearing people yell, “OMIGAWD, look at that big schmuck!”

  32. Lunargent says:

    Speaking of festivities, we’re having an IRL meetup on Tuesday afternoon in Denver. But the info hasn’t posted here yet. OldQuaker is running it. Very intimate so far – the 2 of us & a spouse – but hoping for more. Deets to follow, I hope.
